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East Los Angeles - 1st Street

  • Project Scope:
    The primary objective of this project is to preserve 1.8 miles of residential roads. The project includes the following proposed work: - Pavement prep-work - Parkway improvements - Curb ramps upgrades - Pavement preservation
  • Project Benefits:
    The proposed work includes micro-milling to improve road ride-ability; scrub seal to seal cracks; and slurry seal to preserve the pavement and provide a smoother, more finished driving surface. The preservation is estimated to extend the pavement life for an additional 6 to 8 years. To better care for the environment, all aggregates (tiny rocks) used come from recycled pavement. Needed sidewalk, curb, and gutter repair as well as installation of curb ramps will also be performed.
  • Community Engagement:
    A project information flyer and a construction brochure will be provided just after the project has been awarded and a week prior to start of construction, respectively.
  • Project Location:
    1st Street from Indiana St to Rowan Av and from Herbert Av to 140 feet west of Vancouver Av.
  • Cost Estimate:
    - Total Project: $712,000 - Construction: $492,000
  • Economic Impact:
    Project construction supports 8 direct and indirect jobs.
  • Schedule:


Please contact us with any questions about this project.
Al Azhang, Project Manager
Location Map