Courtesy Notice

Have you received a notice indicating we found roots or other debris in your home lateral sewer line?
Through routine maintenance activities or through our Condition Assessment Program CCTV inspection project, we found your home's sewer lateral has roots or debris in the line, and/or soon will be impacting the main sewer line. The county code below, indicates it is the homeowners responsibility to maintain their house sewer lateral. Please follow the actions requested on the letter to both help prevent a sewer backup into your home or a sewer backup or overflow in the main sewer line. A sample of this letter is available for your review.

County Code 20.24.080 Maintenance of Sewer Laterals, which states:
All house laterals, industrial connection sewers, septic tank outlet connections to STEP system, and appurtenances thereto existing as of January 23, 1953, or thereafter constructed, shall be maintained by the owner of the property served in a safe and sanitary condition, and all devices or safeguards which are required by this Division 2 for the operation thereof shall be maintained in good working order