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401 Can I review/get copies of my previous performance evaluations?

402 What if I've passed probation for an item I've laterally transferred on?

403 How are temporary employees rated?

404 What is in the water that turns the sinks and tubs blue and what can be used to clean the blue off that is safe?

405 Where can I get the guidelines or parameters for submitting a Record of Survey and the cost or fees to do so? Thanks

406 What are the most common construction site water quality BMP violations?

407 How do I acquire information that will enable me to find patronage daily boardings and Alightings for every bus line and on all buses that travel in the city of L.A. i.e., Dash, Culver City Bus, Big Blue Bus & Commuter Express?

408 Does Los Angeles Public Works provide water and power services? If so, in which areas?

409 Who can I contact to find a map of Los Angeles County with depth to water table data and monitoring well locations similar to the one on the website except in GIS data format?

410 I am looking for information on bridges in the City of Los Angeles.

411 I am looking for some information regarding a production well. I know the well number but is not located on the map, possibly because it might no longer be a producing well. Who can I contact to research or to submit a research request?

412 Can I obtain zoning information regarding property in Los Angeles County via the internet?

413 Do you have rainfall intensity curves for your rainfall gage stations? Who can I contact to obtain these?

414 How can you determine the status of a well displayed on the GIS database? Are all of the wells in the database active, pumping wells or are some inactive or even abandoned?

415 How do I update my profile as a vendor?

416 Where can I get information about rubber dams?

417 Where can I find information about a Los Angeles County Flood Control District storm drain system pathway from a facility to its discharge point?

418 Page 4-7 of your Sedimentation Manual (June 1993) refers to the Departments "Debris Dams and Basins Design Manual." Where may I locate on your web site?

419 What is the latest edition of the Los Angeles County Flood Control District Design Manual and Project Preparation Instruction Manual? Please e-mail me back the date of the new edition, the price, and where I should send the payment

420 How do I obtain an electronic copy of your "Debris Dams and Basin Design Manual" ?

421 Do you offer internships for college students?

422 Has the levee design criterion been updated since it was published in the 1982 Design Manual Hydraulic?

423 How can I request graffiti removal?

424 Are there current versions of the "Gray Book", Flood Control Standard Drawings, and Sanitation District Standard Drawings available?

425 Does the Dept. of Public Works have records of the locations of L.A. County Flood Control storm drains and catchbasins (pertaining to a particular property)? Is there a specific contact number for L.A. County Flood Control District questions?

426 What benefits does Los Angeles County Department of Public Works offer to its employees?

427 How do I update our company profile?

428 What is an ICC (formerly ICBO) Certificate, and how can I obtain one?

429 My land is in flood zone A ,what does it mean? Thanks

430 How can I find information about open bids and RFPs or awarded bids and contracts?

431 How can I purchase a copy of the latest hydrology and sedimentation manual?

432 Do you rent out your conference rooms?

433 How can I reach the Controller's office?

434 Why does the computer check the box for special provisions regarding bridge clearances for a legal height permit?

435 Are any of your engineering meeting and forums open to engineers who do not work for the County?

436 I am not able to access well or groundwater records anymore. Is there a restriction on this information?

437 Are LA county design standards on your web site? Where are they located or how do I obtain them?

438 What Agency has the jurisdiction on the movement of dirt for agriculture on land that is zoned A-2 in the County of Los Angeles? Are there any restrictions? What are they and who do I contact?

439 Where can I find a list of the Board members with contact information?

440 Where can I find more information on county surplus properties (computer, equipment, furniture, etc...) and how do I get on a mailing list for such items?

441 Where can I obtain the PDF files for the LA County Hydrology Design Manual appendices?

442 For the new Tc calculation (using a spread sheet), can the results be directly used in Mora?

443 How I can become a vendor with Los Angeles County?

444 Are there any volunteer service programs with your department?

445 How to maintain sewer?

446 I'm interested in becoming a vendor to the County of Los Angeles, where do I start?

447 I have some old fluorescent tubes and an empty propane tank from my barbeque I need to dispose of. Where can I get rid of these?

448 Where can I obtain rainfall totals for a specific location?

449 How can I pay my water bill using a credit card?

450 Where can I find a link to the new Solid Waste Disposal Reporting System?

451 I am considering purchasing property at this location. I need to know what is required to hook up to county water. What are the permit & connection fees? What size water main? What else do I need to know for this project?

452 How do I report a broken link on the website?

453 Where can I find subdivision digital information, such as parcel maps, tract maps, and survey data?

454 How do I dispose of used cooking oil or grease?

455 Why is the information on this website copyrighted?

456 I am licensed with the County and have moved. How do I update my information?

457 What is the Invoice Payment Status Inquiry (IPSI)?

458 Who can I contact if I do not know my vendor number or if I have an invalid vendor number for the Invoice Payment Status Inquiry screen?

459 Who can I contact if I do not know my purchase order number or if I have an invalid purchase order number for using the Invoice Payment Status Inquiry screen?

460 What if I am requesting the payment status for an invoice that is not listed on the Invoice Payment Status Inquiry screen?

461 If the status of my invoice in the Invoice Payment Status Inquiry screen is Payment in Process, how long does the payment process take?

462 What do I do if I obtained a check number and issue date from the Invoice Payment Status Inquiry screen but have not received the check?

463 What if the check amount provided by the Invoice Payment Status Inquiry screen is less than the amount of the invoice I submitted for payment?

464 Is there MORA (F0601) for Windows? How can I obtain it?

465 Where could I get a copy of postings and brochures for the food and restaurant industry pertaining to the Best Management Practices (BMP) program?

466 How can I put the water bill under a different name?

467 How do I obtain a new trash bin if I live in the City of Los Angeles?

468 Are your water bills considered public record?

469 Are job postings available online?

470 My neighbors and I live off a dirt road. We would like to know how we get theis road dedicated to the County to have it paved and maintained and what are the associated costs.

471 How can I safely dispose of mercury thermometers?

472 What is the NTMP?

473 What does NTMP stand for?

474 As a Soil Scientist-GIS Specialist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, it concerns me that the soils map available for downloading at, does not contain metadata, which could lead to misrepresentation of the data by end users. At least, a source for the data would be helpful and appreciated. Russell Almaraz USDA NRCS Lancaster Service Center

475 I need to know the nearest public supply water well, direction, state and county well number, surface elevation, depth to water, and date of the last measurement. Also, can I get the phone number of the hydrologic unit that answers these questions?

476 We have 10 acres and 40 acre parcels on Windrush Rd. We would like to split them. What are the requirements and forms necessary to complete these transaction with the county of Los Angeles? Thank you.

477 Can a person check for Los Angeles County permits via the Internet?

478 In addition to the items listed below, what will be needed at the time of filing an application for a permit for a 6 stall breezeway/shedrow horse barn. 1. Plot plan approval (2 sets) 2. Engineered Structural calculations (2 sets) 3. Engineered drawings (2 sets)

479 Where can I find your most up-to-date hydrology/hydraulic manual for the County of LA online?

480 Pothole on ramp where W 5th street entrance ramp onto 110 north merges with 110 North. Near end ramp where lane is actually parallel to 110 freeway. We are almost at freeway speed when we hit this pothole.

481 Does your Department study the erosion process termed "dry ravel" in San Gabriel Mountains watersheds?

482 I am buying some property and I would like to have the land surveyed. Would this be done by the county? If not, how would I do this?

483 Good morning, I'm a Politecnico of Milan Student. I'm developing a thesis about the erosion process termed dry ravel. I need information about fire and debris basin data in San Gabriel Mountains watersheds, in particular regarding Lower Brown Canyon and Falls Canyon. May you post me all information you have about these arguments? Thank you, Pietro Agosti

484 I am planning to convert a closet into a bathroom and add a small addition to my home (about 400 square feet). Do I need a building permit, and if so, what is the procedure to obtain one?

485 I am planning to add a small addition to my house (about 400 square feet). Do I need professionally drafted plan or can I draw one as the owner? About how long would it take to obtain a permit?

486 A few weeks ago, I was able to find a listing online of the requirements for a building permit such as what size building does and doesn't require a building permit. During the last few days, I have been unable to refind this info. If this info is still available online, please provide the link info.

487 what are the approved materials for sanitary sewer pipes : RCP, Clay, plastic ( brand / type ), HDPE ...etc Are there any available standards & details for these pipes from the current City design plan / manuals? How to obtain a copy ?

488 Where can I download a Tax Bond Estimate Declaration form?

489 What are the criteria for K-12 students to qualify for a subsidized bus pass? The website refers to unincorporated areas of the county. Which are those?

490 Dear Sir: I have a question for your Hydrology Manual-L.A. County Department of Public Work. At page 4-26, which is regarding to D. Small Developed Drainage Area Method, I found in D-3 Finding Runoff Rate, which indicated that there is a example in Appendix L. I also searched in" MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROLOGY SUPPORT FILES", but I cannot find Appendix L, which only include Appendix A to Appendix H. Please help me locate the Appendix L for this example of demonstration of using Small Developed Drainage Area Method Thanks

491 How do I dispose of compressed gas (CO2) cylinders?

492 hi, I am currently working for the Department of Health Services and a nurse at my work site told me about a program of professional workers and she gave me your number. I work full time and go to school and she said that there was a program in which the county helped these student workers out. can i get more information on this? you can call me or email me, i would greatly appreciate it. thanx

493 We have very low water pressure. If we have the sprinklers or the washing machine on then we have just a trickle coming from the faucets in the house. Is this normal? Can we fix it?

494 Can government plats be acquired by other means besides visiting the survey public counter at DPW Headquarters?

495 What are the rear and side required setbacks as well as required rear yard open area and any relevant building plans requirements for room addition?

496 Do I need a permit to put a fense around my house?

497 I was wondering if the fact that new housing developments have underground utilities such as phone and electrical vs. above ground found in older areas is due to a code change. If so, what is the code and when did it go into effect?

498 How many yard sales are permitted for residents of this area? (Avocado Heights, Citrus Heights)

499 Looking for "structural observation program and designation of the structural observer" form to place on construction plans per plan checker request.

500 How do I dispose of a vehicle that runs but has been in an accident?

501 Do you have your rough grading certification and precise grading certification forms on your website?

502 I plan to build a 3 feet high free-standing block wall in my backyard along my property line. However, the block wall will be situated along the edge of a downward slope of about 10 feet high. Do I need to get a permit for building this block wall?

503 I am looking for the standards on a full set of construction documents. I also need updated information for building codes for those projects (residential) to be built in the flight zone of LAX. I am looking at adding 1200 to 1800 s.f. to my existing home and remodeling the interior of the existing. I plan on undertaking this project as owner operator.

504 Where does LACWW get the potable water that it supplies Lancaster with?

505 I purchased a home that has unpermitted additions and conversions. Is there a such thing as "as is" permits since I have no information on who built them. Can/will the city fine me for having these unpermitted conversion/additions on my property? Is tearing them down mandatory?

506 My neighbor is building a playhouse that is about 12 feet tall with posts anchored in concrete. The Playhouse is set back from my back yard fence approximately 2 feet (23 inches) from my property line/fence. Is there a minimum set back for this kind of construction? Did they need a permit? Do I have any recourse if this is not to code?

507 Do you still have a map site where all the rain gauges are located and that tells you the precipitation by the hour and minute?

508 1 Which Plumbing Code is now in effect and for how long ? 2 I haven't worked in LA County in a few years and need to come to the counter and ask s few questions to the mechanical plan checker, I need help sizing a water system for an up coming job, my question is : Can I get help over the counter and where ?

509 What is a 'check dam'.

510 I live in an un-incorporated part of L.A. county. Am I allowed to have live chickens as pets? If so, where can I get information about how many chickens I can have, if a permit is required, and any other information related to owning chickens?


512 If someone purchases a home in Altadena and wishes to make improvements, including additional space, what are the basic limitations on adding new square footage? I believe that in Pasadena, the maximum lot coverage is around 35%. Also, would a basement count as lot coverage if it also serves as a footing for new living space?

513 We want to build a two car garage in the front of our house. 1.What are the setback requirements from street and side property line, size & height limits, and other restrictions we need to know? 2. Where do we get permits, and which ones do we need? 3. Is there a way to determine our property lines without having to hire a surveyor?

514 I reside in North San Gabriel under the County unincorporate area. The property's lot size is about 55ft x 150ft. It's a one-story house. I would like to tear it down completely, and build a two-story with about 2500 sq ft. Please advice the contact information and the proper procedures on how to acquire the construction approval from the County.

515 Can I obtain Records of Survey Guidelines over the Internet?

516 Concerning a 8'X16'storage shed, can you tell me what the setback is for a shed from the property line/fence? Also, what is the procedure to obtain permission to have the shed under an Oak tree? I've been told that the shed can not be under the drip area of the tree and I would need permission to build a shed under the tree.

517 I live in the second house of a 4 house private street. We all share a common driveway. My neighbor at the above address built a 7-8 foot concrete wall dividing our properties. It has created a huge blind spot for the back 3 houses. Is there a height limit? Also, my understanding is that this wall is called a return wall. It ends at my garage wall and turns in onto my property and meets my garage. At the other end of my garage, a 3 ft. wall existed. This wall was extended up to approx. 7 feet and another return wall meets the back end of my garage wall. I have no access to my garage wall or the full perimeter of my property. It is now a part of my neighbors back yard. Is a permit required for this? What can be done to regain access to the full perimeter of my property. Also, this wall was built on the 3 gas lines of the back houses including mine. How can I find out that this wall was built correctly on top of our gas lines? Thank you.

518 I'm looking to develop the property at the above intersection. I can't develop this property because there is no water that goes to the property. I applied for a USAD loan but was turned down solely because of this water problem. I need help. Who can I go to?

519 I would like a copy of Table 4-1 from the Los Angeles County Plumbing Code. Where can I find this?

520 I need to know who to contact for graffiti removal.

521 My neighbor has diverted drainage from the hillside above their house. The drainage water originally flowed down their hillside. Their drainage channel now empties onto my property running across my upper driveway, which is dirt. The water has eroded a ditch, which is now more than a foot deep. Aren't they responsible for making sure that this diverted runoff water does not cause erosion on my property? In addition, it is beginning to undermine a public road.

522 I'm considering remodeling my kitchen which will include new cabinets, new appliances, flooring, some electrical, a range hood and homemade cabinets. It may also possibly including removing a load-bearing wall and replacing it with a beam. What permits will I need, and do I need a structural engineer to evaluate the beam before installation? Do I need approval before putting the beam in? Lastly, are there any restrictions on homemade cabinets regarding types of finishes?

523 I have a question. If someone wants to build in L.A. County, do they my code and law, must have a L.A. County address? This question pertains to someone wishing to build in L.A. County, but using a Ventura County address. This is a County Line question.

524 I am researching recorded property lines with regards to a disputed fence installation by the developer. Is this information now available to me and how do I obtain it?

525 My neighbor built a storage shed attaching to my detached garage and it encroaches 2 ft into my property line, what can I do?

526 Are permits required to build a backyard bbq island with a pergola covering it? pergola is free standing. what are the footing requirements?

527 How do I find an Assessor I.D. Parcel Number?

528 I would like to know how soil class used in hydrologic calculation for LA County is related to "Hydrologic Soil Group, (A, B, C, &D)?

529 Do I need a permit to build a front yard fence with a drive way entrance fence, made of wrought iron and stucco/brick poles, with an intended height of 48 to 52"? I have little kids and would like to close the open front yard/drive way for security reasons, ASAP. Please confirm. Thank you,

530 Can a property get a building permit with a well on another parcel a block away ( Approx. 2,000 feet or more)on private property?

531 When is a geotechnical report required in the unincorporated area of LA County? What triggers the requirement? Steepness? Fill? Scope of work? Would a Geo report be required to partially rebuild a fire damaged structure on a 1940's era filled pad? Thanks, R.

532 I am designing a private stormwater network for the Los Angeles City College (LACC) and I am in need for the corresponding undeveloped runoff coefficient (Cu) in order to determine the actual runoff coefficient to use in the calculation of the runoff flow (using the rational method). But the determination of Cu depends upon the relevant soil type and there is a table in Appendix D of your Hydrology/Sedimentation Appendix, that lists these soil types. My problem is that the names of these soils are not generic but relate to specific places such as Altamont Clay Loam, Chino Silt Loam and others. Do you have a map including the above-mentioned College area, and which gives the relevant soil type as listed in the table mentioned above? I would highly appreciate your answer Regards Amine

533 How can I obtain the sewer design sheets in AutoCAD.

534 What is section 609.7 of the Los Angeles County Plumbing Code and what does it say -- I can't seem to find it on the web

535 Are copies of permit records for properties (in the unincorporated Los Angeles County area) from the Building and Safety District Field Office in Arcadia available by mail, and what is the fee?

536 Can I get permit to build a house on vacant land?

537 My client is searching for a office/warehouse/manufacturing building. They manufacture aftermarket motorcycle parts. In the fabrication process they use the following machines: CNC machines, tig & mig welding, punch presses (over 20 ton rating) metal grinding and polishing (with dust collector.) They were presented with this building and told that is was in a M1.5 Zone. I am familiar with M1 Zone in the City of Los Angeles and have a have a print out of the regulations from their (City of L.A.) website. But I am not familiar with L.A. County zone regulations. Is there a list I can print out from your website or a list I can review in order to direct my client.

538 A neighbor up the street installed an aluminum garage on their property. In the windstorm last month it partially blew over. It is still sitting there in disrepair. Is such a type of structure legal?

539 My buyer's home inspector says the water heater in my garage needs a down spout from the pressure relief valve. Where does this downspout need to terminate to be up to building code? The hardware store salesman suggests that we use flexible copper braided hose that terminates a few inches above the garage floor. The inspector states it has to drain to the outside of the house which does not seem practical. Please help.

540 Are there any specific foundation underpinning requirements for a two story addition on an existing 12" footing.

541 I would like to dispose of dirt and bricks. Where can I drop them off?

542 Upon doing a large room addition can I install a kitchenette. Or is it permitted to build a quest house on the property for my mother to stay in?

543 I would like to change my old Aluminum frame single glass to a double glazed glass Retro-Fit. Do I have to obtain a building permit? As someone said, we don't need to have a permit if we have not changed the frame. With Retro-Fit windows, we keep the old windows frame. Is that truth?? Thank you for your answering.

544 1) What does the LADPW require for deputy inspectors to work, re: certifications, project registration, fees, etc.? 2) Do the same requirements apply to all offices listed, district AND contract city? 3) Do contract cities have additional city requirements?

545 How do I dispose of a non-working freezer?

546 I want to put paving on a private dirt road and build a house in an unincorporated area of the county, the area does not have power or sewers. How would I find out the process to legally pave and build a house and put in a septic system, if power is not financially accessible can I build the house and use a propane generator instead of hooking up to Edison power over 1 mile away?

547 Where can the public find a list of road closures?

548 Hello, I am a resident of Val Verde, California. We recently had some very severe flooding that caused mudslides and other damage. I have mud that is three feet deep piled against the back of my house. I have many questions such as are there people who will help me get my house out of the mud? Where do I put the dirt if I am lucky enough to find people to help me? etc... Any help you could give me would be very appreciated! Thank you.

549 I wish to protect the cars in my driveway during the summer heat an inclimate weather. I understand there is a 20-foot setback to the front of a structure, but does this also apply to an aluminum/steel carport with open sides? Thank you for your time.

550 What the owner needs: Platt map showing septic tank and leech line location. Filed by builder to get building/Septic system permit. This is required to get permit and Health Dept. approval to replace the septit tank. I am the Realtor and agent for the owner. Thank you.

551 What roads are closed and when will they reopen?"

552 For a project that will be submitted for a permit, what is the applicable building code and model code?

553 Do I need to provid gas auto shut-off valve before on the market? Which city or county required gas auto shut-off valve? Thanks

554 How to dispose of old 3.5" floppy disks?

555 Can I download the stream gaging station data?

556 Please guide us how could we buy one copy of WSPG program from your department.

557 How do the recent rain events (December-2004 January-2005) compare to the historical data, is this considerd once every 25,50, or 100 year amount?

558 1. building set backs all property lines 2. min square footage lot size to build home 3. contact numbers

559 I have a guy who is putting in a sliding door. Does he need T-24 Energy Calcs? If so, is there a simple form for meeting Package D requirements or does the project need to be modeled by computer?

560 I received a Notice of Violation for addition and alteration to 2nd dwelling unit above garage. I've been requested to submit plans for the cited work. Is it possible for me to get plans for this addition that has already been completed and is it acceptable?

561 during the recent rains specificly 12-27-04 thru 1-11-05 at the calabasas-agoura station #434 how does this compare to historical data is it considerd 5-15-25--50-100 year event?

562 Firstly: Does one need a permit to cut steps into a slope on one's property, i.e. with RR ties and gravel fill, in order to more easily access nearby hiking trails? Secondly: Do steps like these have to remain within the 10,000 sq. ft. 'building footprint' as possibly required by this part of the county?


564 I am looking for a structural set of plans for this commercial building. Where do I go to get copies of these plans?

565 I would like to access the flow record of a storm drain system. Please let me know how to get that.

566 If a fence is not maintained around an old swimming pool, can the building department force them to repair the fence?

567 I'm looking for some general information about processing a lot line adjustment in the County of Los Angeles. I've been unable to reach anyone at the Regional Planning Department who can help me. 1) Who is the contact person at the County who shepherds a lot line application through the process? 2) At some point, or at several points, is Planning Department review a part of the process? 3) Must a recorded Record of Survey be attached to a lot line adjustment application (in addition to the worded legal description of the property to be adjusted), which shows where the existing property line is, and where the new line will be? 4) Is there a limit to the number of adjusted lots that can be referenced in one lot line adjustment application? 5) What is the estimated time it takes from filing a lot line adjustment application, through recording it with the Los Angeles County Recorder?

568 How or where can I apply for a county plumber's license and how much are the fee's for obtaining this license?

569 Where can I obtain specific zoning details if I have an APN or just thomas guide coordinates? Is there some site I can just input nfo and get the zoning ordinance?

570 does a person need an excavation permit for dumping dirt in his yard?

571 What agency holds and governs building plans in the County and/or city of Los Angeles?

572 There is an 18' sewer easement running along the north edge (rear) of a property zoned R3, if apartments were constructed on the property, would uncovered parking and/or a drive isle be permitted over the easement? Also, is landscaping and site lighting permitted within the easement?

573 How do I find out about road closures in the City of Los Angeles?

574 I don't know if this is the right department, but I have a question and hope you can answer it. If this is not the right department will you forward it to the right department? My husband and I are looking at a 20 acre piece of property located in LA county, on Big Pines Hwy just west of Largo Vista Rd. I have a copy of the county Assessor's map T.4 N., R. 9 W. parcel number 4, code 4666. We have a geological survey map showing the property in the San andreas Rift Zone. My question is, can a residential home be built on this property? Can you send us the CC &Rs, and the owners name and address? Thank you

575 Is California governed by the Uniform Plumbing Code or the International Plumbing Code? What does Los Angeles County actually go by in respect to its inspections?

576 What are the guidelines for the installation of solar photovoltaic systems in LA County?

577 How can I recycle some clothing, small appliances, records, TVs and other materials generated from a business?

578 The property at the listed address has a seepage pit that seems to be overflowing. It drains across a public road, onto my property, down my driveway and stands on Topanga Canyon Blvd. This situation has existed for a long time. As I read the codes, that situation makes the house uninhabitable. Can Building and Safety terminate this nuisance?

579 My neighbor wants to install a fence between our properties. I had a surveyor survey the property lines last year. Now that we both know where the property line is between the two houses, she wants to install the fence right on the property line. This will result in making holes on the brick wall between the two houses. Not even mentioning about the view that's going to be limited, it will ruin the brick walls I cherish as part of the driveway. What is the guidelines about building a fence on the property, especially when my neighbor wants to install one without my consent. I guess I can't stop her installing one on her property but I want to know if there's any way I can stop her from making holes right on the property line. Thank you for your response.

580 I recently sold a house in unincorporated Whittier. The buyer was aware that the back room is not permitted. I also told the realtor that the den area was built before I purchased the house and was also unpermitted. The realtor told the new buyers that the den was grandfathered in and didn't document it in the paperwork. Now, the buyers are having an issue with this. How am I liable for this? Am I liable? Is the realtor liable?


582 I have a family friend that they've just bought a house in Temple City, Los Angeles County. When they bought it, the agent showed them the county record as living area is 1847 sq.ft. (The lot size is over 9,000). But after they closed Escrow, they would like to apply a Patio Enclosed permit from Temple City city hall since it was rainning heavily this year. When they were in the counter of the city planning department, they were told that the city record for this house with the living area is only 1360 sq.ft.(The lost size is the same as county's). They were told that before they applied Patio Enclosed, they should legalize the different part between city's and county's. They've already hired the architect to draw the exist house plan and submitted to the city hall planning department. The planning department reviewed it already, said they will contact either architect or them, but right now one month passed and no phone call has been received yet. They've contacted them several times but no answer yet. Question 1: Is it right that sometimes the city record is different from county record? If it is, whose record should be complied with? Question 2: Usually how long should the planning department review the plan? Thank you so much for your kind attention and help.

583 The owner of this residence wants to build a bathroom addition. Which Dept. of Bldg. and Safety would process the permit? And is a survey and soils report required? Thanks. - Anthony

584 Where might I find free clean fill dirt?

585 What drawings are required for plan check for a 400 square foot addition? Are Title 24 calculations required to be part of the drawings?


587 On unincorporated 2.5 acre plot in the West Antelope Valley that has an existing manufactured home on it: 1. Must I pull permits to pour a concrete slab in the back yard? 2. What is the maximum size for detached patio cover/carports that do not require a permit? (I hear different stories from different salespersons, so thought I'd go to the experts.) Thanks!

588 My property is located in Altadena. Due to the recent rains, my neighbor is constructing concrete drainage channels on his hillside slope which are pitched towards my driveway, which runs downhill and parallel to our property line. I'm afraid that during a deluge, my driveway will be overburdened with the additional runoff from this recently constructed drainage apparatus and flood my swimming pool and home. Are there specific codes and permits required to divert rain runoff to an adjacent property? The channels terminate less than 5 feet from our property line. Thank you.

589 I would like to get some more information on the types and prices of computer programs that are listed in Section 6 of the Hydrology Manual.

590 Does a hedge or thick growth of schrubbs or trees qualify as a wall? Also, what are wall height restrictions in Residential zoning for both front and side yards?

591 I am planning on purchasing a family home in Altadena, and I will be remodeling the property; When all permits are approve, do I need a demo permit before I remove the old roof?

592 Per Title Co. this property is zoned as "LCRAYY" I would like to know the meaning of this code. I appreciate any information you can probide. Thank you.

593 My garage is flooding every time it rains. I have 3 questions: 1) Do I need a permit to tear the structure down? 2) I would like to build a mother-in-laws quarters for my future mother-in-law who is planning on moving to California from New Jersey in the next few months. If I build the garage 15 feet from the rear property line, then I will no longer have a backyard. Are there any exceptions to the set back rules? 3) How long does it generally take to get a permit to build a mother-in-law quarters? Thank you.

594 I am an ICBO / ICC Certified Electrical / Mechanical / Plumbing / Building / Combination Building Inspector since 1999. I work for the County of Los Angeles Sanitation District, where I am an Inspector 2 level 5. LACSD currently requires that you have a Los Angeles County Deputy Concrete Certification to advance to an Inspector 3 with the Sanitation District. Does Los Angeles County Public Works have a Deputy certification for Electrical / Mechanical / Plumbing / Building? If so what are the steps to obtain the certification. If not I guess I will need to obtain the Deputy Concrete and would like to know those requirements. Could you forward me that information? As I have stated, I work for LACSD and have spoken to several of the Engineers in our Field Engineering about this matter, and they are willing to help rewrite our requirements for an Inspector III position to include other than the Los Angeles Deputy Certification which has been a long established requirement at the Sanitation District but as I am sure you have seen at Public Works with today changes in the construction industry everything isn't about concrete, and with today's technology and innovations come change. Any help you can provide me with information would be of great assistance as I attempt to assist our new management from our Field Engineer Division. Sincerely Phillip R. Cooper LACSD Construction Inspector

595 Can I used the rebars (Footings on a slab foundation) to attached a grounding wire on a new add on living space on my house. That grounding wire I'll be using only on one of the existing power outlet(receptacle) of that space for add on safety? As observe,the outlet has no wire connection on the earth grounding.

596 Us Bank would like to install a temporary portable generator at our production site at the above address. This standby generator would only be operated in the event of a loss of utility power. This site has an existing automatic transfer switch. Generator would be rented from Quinn Power. Generator has a CARB certification #114578. My question is, what information and or design drawing would I need to submit to get approval for this temporary installation. The generator would be on site for 120 to 150 days.

597 Zoning of the subject property is said to be LC M2 (manufacturing). Please advise where I may get a copy of the zoning code or a list of permitted uses under M2. Thank you

598 I am interested in purchasing a vacant lot but the street in front is 10 feet across. Can I build on a lot with a narrow street? In addition, there is a slope on the property. Are there any special permits I need to obtain and are there any special considerations ? Thanks

599 Does Public Works or the County hold auctions to get rid of surplus equipment or property?

600 I live in an unincorporated area of Los Angeles, and I own a home that was built in 1928. I want to renovate and build an addition, and I would really like the original (or most recent) building plans for that property. Does the "City of Los Angeles" Bldg Dept have access to these original plans? Where else can I obtain them? How are the building codes followed if the original plans aren't available? Thank you for all your help. AIN - 5024-007-014
