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201 . . . (coming soon) - I need to know # copies required for MTD Storm Drain Plan submittal. Folded or Not. Drainage Plan, Hydrology-Drainage Calcs, anything else ? Please advise - thank you, in advance - Don

202 How long will I need to have flood insurance?

203 The no watering between 10am and 10pm... is this still in effect? There are a few homes in my area that water during these times.

204 Where can I obtain the "Guidelines for Report Submittals" published by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works?

205 Do you have a division that deals with old or "junk out" items the county no longer wants? If so, do you auctioned them off and who do we contact for more information?

206 Where on your website can I find the holiday schedule for Los Angeles County Department of Public Works?

207 Why do we have to recycle?

208 As a developer, how would I obtain the necessary permits for the construction of roads, sewers, storm drains, and utilities for a new development.

209 Can you give me a list of locations of legal, approved sewage disposal facilities?

210 I would like to know how to dispose of a working home appliance (such as a window air conditioner, freezer, etc.).

211 What is "Nonpoint Source" Pollution?

212 How much is the project, and how is it funded?

213 What are the issues of each sediment placement site?

214 What is the Flood Control District doing to address the levee's flood capacity?

215 I would like to obtain a copy of California Urban Runoff Best Management Practices Handbooks for Construction Activity, Municipal and Industrial/Commercial. Can you please provide directions on how to get a copy?

216 The street light in front of my house is not working. Who do I report this to so that it can be fixed?

217 Can I get a Connection Permit Application Form from your web site? Also, do I have to fill out a Water Quality Agreement?

218 A traffic sign on our street has been defaced with graffiti. I tried to clean it off but was not successful. Can it be cleaned or replaced?

219 Can I leave staples, paper clips, and post-its on paper when I am placing paper into the recycling bins?

220 Do I need a permit to put up a sign on my own property?

221 What is an Encroachment Permit?

222 Who can I contact to report mosquitoes problems?

223 What was the impact to the District's facilities due to the Station Fire?

224 How can I be kept informed on the development of alternatives?

225 Is there one person in charge of departmental recycling?

226 What is Low Impact Development (LID)?

227 Who do I contact to file a claim with the County?

228 How do SUSMP and construction activity BMPs differ?

229 What is the Sediment Management Strategic Plan?

230 Why is it important to understand the risks associated with levees?

231 What is a Construction Permit?

232 What are the guidelines and criteria for issuing storm drain connection permits?

233 What is the difference between a SWPPP and a BMP?

234 Is the Flood Control District investigating additional sediment placement sites or alternative ways for disposing of material?

235 Where can I view FEMA's current flood maps, also known as Flood Insurance Rate Maps?

236 There's been a street light out in front of my house for almost a year now. Can I get an answer as to who IS supposed to handle this?

237 What are the county requirements to obtain a Solid Waste transfer station operating permit?

238 How do I get a permit to construct a driveway for my property?

239 What does "first flush" mean?

240 Will the Flood Control District be looking at the possibility of selling the sediment to help defray the cost of sediment management?

241 I am fairly certain that there is a County Storm Drain at a specific location in the City of Carson; but, it doesn't appear on the GIS and there is no link to view the plans. How can I find these plans?

242 The Standard Plans Manual posted on-line does not have the curb and gutter detail (detail 120-1). Is there a way that you can email a pdf of this detail and/or include it in the manual that is posted on-line? Thank you.

243 To whom it may concern: I'm looking for Los Angeles County Public Works Standard Drawing 304-1. I can't seem to find it. Is there anywhere in your website where I can download this standard drawing? Thank You, Jose C. J&R Concrete Products (951) 943-5855

244 In the Draft Revise January 10, 2008 of the Updated Structure Design Manual, April 1982, Section I - Reinforced Concrete Pipe, Page I-6, the first paragraph of Section I-4 Concrete Cover for Reinforcement does not comply with Section 207-2.4.2 Location of Reinforcement of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook).

245 Does my homeowners insurance cover damage caused by flooding?

246 We added a family room off our garage without the proper permit and am now in the process of selling this home. I want to include this additional square footage to the total square footage of my home, but understand that it must first be approved. How can I get this approved now?

247 Does the Department have a long range plan or strategic plan?

248 What are the fees for a road permit?

249 How do I apply for a permit to connect to a storm drain?

250 How do BMPs relate to TMDL regulations?

251 How do I determine where my property lines are?

252 How much material was removed from debris basins during the 2009/2010 storm season?

253 Where do I buy flood insurance?

254 How can I get a list of contractors who stripe and mark county roads?

255 I have a problem concerning a Transportation Permit. My max width should be 12' 0" and max height should be 14' 0", but the permit prints "Legal" in these fields. Can this problem be corrected.

256 What is the impact on ground water from infiltration or porous pavement BMPs?

257 What steps are being taken to mitigate the impact of truck traffic on residential streets near debris basins and sediment placement sites?

258 How much will flood insurance cost?

259 What type of permit do I need to install a monitoring well? Do I then need an annual permit each year?

260 How do I get permission to modify a County storm drain or catch basin?

261 Why harvest rainwater?

262 What is a Preferred Risk Policy and how do I apply for one?

263 Are electronic files of the standard plans available on line for use as a reference?

264 I want to dig a hole for a flag pole and mail box. It requires a concrete anchor and may be several feet deep. How do I find out where any underground utilities might be located so that I can avoid them?

265 Which BMPs are recommended for which pollutants?

266 What is the planning/permitting process for use of a sediment placement site?

267 Can I carry a preferred Risk Policy for as long as I am required to carry flood insurance?

268 To what standards should BMPs be implemented?

269 How does the Flood Control District determine where a sediment placement site should be?

270 How much flood insurance am I required to carry?

271 Who has had experience with certain types of BMPs?

272 Is sediment material toxic or dangerous to human health?

273 What will happen if I do not buy flood insurance when it is required?

274 Are BMPs effective?

275 What is a BMP "treatment train"?

276 I'm a developer providing a joint utility trench for the utility companies. Do I need a permit?

277 Can I get an excavation permit to connect my house water line to the main line?

278 How do I gain access to a County channel?

279 Are mosquitoes a problem with stormwater BMPs, can mosquitoes be eliminated from BMPs, and what preventive devices work best?

280 How do I get setup with an account so I could order Transportation Permits on-line?

281 Where can I get a copy of the Newsrack Ordinance for the County of Los Angeles?

282 How do I get an annual permit for transporting extra legal loads over County roads?

283 Where do I get the hydrology for a storm drain system constructed by the county?

284 What is a City Services Representative?

285 Airport Influence Area Maps. Effective January 1, 2004, home sellers are required to disclose to perspective buyers if properties are located within Airport Influence Areas. Where can I find more information?

286 What is the expected turnaround time for processing my permit?

287 May I get copies of the right-of-way maps for a County storm drain or channel?

288 What is the recommended horizontal and vertical separation for underground utilities?

289 What do I need to submit to obtain a permit for the construction of a sewer main?

290 How are private development projects involving BMPs evaluated by the County?

291 What are the rules/regulations regarding newly paved streets where a proposed private construction project will have to cut into newly paved areas? In addition, who, when and where does one get an official notification that a particular Department of Public Works project is completed or approved?

292 I am trying to find out who to contact regarding information for obtaining permission to hold a "block party" for our neighborhood in an unincorporated area of the County. We would like to block off one end of our street. How can I go about this?

293 Does the Department of Public Works issue permits for production or monitoring wells?

294 Do I need a permit to cut or prune my oak tree?

295 How do I conserve water in my garden?

296 Do I need a permit to place a dumpster in front of my house?

297 What is a "Certified Full Capture" BMP?

298 Who do I report graffiti to?

299 I completed the work for my permit and would like to get my deposit refunded. When can I expect my refund?

300 How do I get a dog out of the channel?

301 What are the County's health and safety requirements for above-ground rain barrels and cisterns?

302 How would I get the most current information about prevailing wages (rates, etc.)?

303 Why do I need a transportation permit and what is the fee for?

304 Where can I find information on Airport Noise from LAX and window replacement? I would like to apply for window replacements as the noise from the Airplanes coming down is overbearing. My house is located in the landing path.

305 Do I need a permit for a bike race or parade?

306 What criteria exist in Los Angeles County to prevent hydromodification?

307 Who would I report a broken gate around a channel to?

308 Where can I find specific laws regarding the removal and/or trimming of Oak trees? What is the process for getting a permit to remove them if a permit is necessary to remove them?

309 Someone parks a boat on the street in front of my property on a permanent basis. Are there any regulations regarding the parking of boats on the street for extended periods of time and can anything be done about it?

310 Is my property in a flood hazard zone?

311 When do I have to obtain an oversize load permit? How do I obtain one?

312 Is there a way you can put the "Green Book" online in PDF format, like other cities have done with their Standards & Drawings?

313 I am looking for the sewer wye maps and depth of the sewer main. I am also looking for sub-structures other than sewers.

314 Are there any programs that offer free mulch to residents of Los Angeles County or the city of Arcadia?

315 I attended a composting workshop in April '06 at Birney Elementary School in Long Beach. The instructor mentioned a recipe to kill whiteflies. I have a hibiscus plant that continues to be plagued by these flies. I don't want to use chemicals because there are these tiny black/grey birds that like to eat the flies but they don't eat them all. I have also heard that we have bats in the area. Is that true? I live next to Seal Beach where there are wetlands located on the Seal Beach Navy Base. If we do have bats, I'd like to find a bat house for my yard. I hear that they consume 500 bugs an hour. Is it safe to house bats in suburbia? Please forward me the white fly recipe. Is it a recipe to use on any plant for any problem ie snails? Thanks!

316 What regulations govern aircraft noise at and around airports in California?

317 I have a storm drain easement running through my property and I would like to build over it. What are the requirements for building over the storm drain?

318 I would like to install a utility line under, over, across, or along a County Flood Control facility. What do I do?

319 There is a spill draining into a catch basin or channel. Who should I notify?

320 Is someone authorized to ask for donations for painting my address on the curb?

321 Does L.A. County have any seismic codes requiring owners of pre 1975 concrete tilt up buildings to retrofit said buildings?

322 I would like to know the location, depth and the size of a sewer line out in the street?

323 Where can I obtain a copy of an “As-Built” sanitary sewer plan?

324 Why is there a fee for the Consolidated Sewer Maintenance District on my property tax roll if my property is not connected to the sewers?

325 Where can I obtain a sewer design manual?

326 Who do I contact about sewage overflowing from a manhole into the street?

327 What is a sewer backwater valve and who is required to have them?

328 Sewage is backing up into my house/building through overflowing toilets, sinks, bathtubs, dishwasher, and/or washing machines. What should I do?

329 What are the responsibilities of Los Angeles Public Works and the property owner for the sewers?

330 Who do I contact about problems (odors, roaches/rodents infestation, sewer blockages, loose manhole cover, etc.) coming from the public sewer main?

331 I have a sewer easement running through my property and I would like to build over it. What are the requirements for building over a sewer easement?

332 How do I obtain a sewer saddle installation permit?

333 What are the sewer connection procedures for Marina Del Rey and the Aneta Zone?

334 I am proposing to construct an extension to my existing property, and I was told that I can obtain "Drainage Release Covenants" from my neighbors as an alternate to completing a hydrology study. (The extension will infringe on the "flood fringe" by 6 feet.) Are there standard forms which the County has for such Drainage Release Covenants?

335 What is the process to close an alley? The alley next to my home is not used by residents. It is used by gangs as a hangout, for graffiti, illegal dumping, abandoning vehicles and other illegal activities.

336 Where can I obtain standard plans on your internet site?

337 Where can I dispose or recycle household hazardous waste (HHW) and electronic waste like paint, expired medicines, solvents, fertilizer, pesticides, household cleaners, oil, batteries, computers, and televisions?

338 Where is the website for obtaining lists of upcoming major construction projects out for bid?

339 Does the Department of Public Works have bike trail maps available for distribution?

340 Who do I contact to get a tree planted in my parkway?

341 How can I obtain the original plans for my house?

342 What is the permit process for an addition to an existing home? Where can I find information regarding setbacks, height, building size, etc.

343 How is groundwater reached?

344 Is there a way to get a drawing (on-line) of my property that includes the property-lines and my house situated within the property?

345 Where does our water come from? All the places if possible.

346 How do I go about having a piece of land split into two? I would like to build two homes on the land but I need to have two addresses.

347 Can I obtain a copy of the construction plans submitted by the builder for my house?

348 What is the term of a Subdivision Tax Bond?

349 How can I obtain job classifications and associated salary ranges for various positions?

350 I would like to put a sidewalk in the small access between my front lawn and the street. The property is currently grass/weeds. Other houses on my street have sidewalk sections but not all. What permits are required and what requirements must I consider if I decide to do it myself?

351 How do I obtain the latest copy of the LA County Highway Design Manual?

352 Can you help me get information on the number of commercial building permits issued in Los Angeles County in 2000 and 2001? Do you have the $ value of the construction?

353 I live in the unincorporated area of Monrovia and would like to build a block wall 6 feet high. Do I need a permit for this?

354 What type of permit(s) are needed for a swimming pool in the County?

355 I am considering building a concrete wall between my house and my neighbor's. What are the necessary procedures? Do I need to obtain a permit? If so, what are the building rules & regulations necessary to obtain a permit? Do I need to have a survey for the site? How is the cost determined by two parties?

356 Is construction of a detached wood frame garage generally permitted within an Earthquake Fault Zone Non-Structural Setback Zone?

357 Are there programs that exchange old toilets that use a lot of water to flush, for new water conserving toilets?

358 How do I apply for a job?

359 Q1: What is the width and length of a handicapped parking stall for a park in LA county? Q2: What is the width and length of a regular car parking stall for a park in LA County also?

360 Is the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction located on-line? Can you please advise where on-line these specifications can be found?

361 Does the Los Angeles County Flood Control District have a web address or is it part of the Public Works Department?

362 How can I obtain unpublished monthly data for water conserved in the spreading grounds.

363 Can I submit a blank application with my resume and have you determine what job I qualify for?

364 Can I just submit my resume and a cover letter to apply for a job?

365 What examinations do I have to take for the job classification?

366 What is Veteran's Credit and how do I use it?

367 What about applicants with disabilities?

368 How do I obtain an interview?

369 Do I have to take any medical examination?

370 Tell me about the Probationary period.

371 Where can I get study guide materials?

372 Who can I talk to if I don't agree with the charges on my bill and want to know why I was charged?

373 There appear to be errors or incorrect charges on my invoice. How can I get the invoice corrected?

374 How do I get a copy of an invoice and/or detailed documentation for charges?

375 How do I find out if my payment has been received and credited to my account?

376 I submitted payment but I am still getting past due notices. How can I find out what happened?

377 I received a past due notice and want a copy of old invoices. How do I get copies of them?

378 What is the remittance address for payments to Los Angeles County Public Works?

379 How do I get a credit invoice or a refund, and when can I expect to receive it?

380 How do I get a copy of my permit?

381 How can I determine the location of the work performed corresponding to the charges on my invoice?

382 Why am I being sent a past due notice?

383 Why was my account referred for collection? What do I need to do now to clear my account?

384 What is the penalty for having my check dishonored and how do I clear my account if my check was dishonored?

385 Can I pay my invoice with a credit card?

386 Where can I pay my invoice in person?

387 I have provided goods/services to Public Works. Whom do I contact to inquire if my invoice has been received?

388 How can I find out the payment status of my invoice?

389 What do I do if I received a payment from Los Angeles County Public Works and don't know what it is for?

390 How fast does Los Angeles County Public Works pay its bills?

391 What information do I need to include on my invoice to receive timely payment?

392 Why was my invoice "short-paid" (payment was less than the amount of invoice)?

393 What do I do if my invoice is returned with a written notice that it was not paid due to a missing or invalid purchase order number?

394 What is the status of my refund? When can I expect to receive it?

395 Does Los Angeles County Public Works have a financial customer service unit and how can I contact them? What services does the unit provide?

396 What is the Department of Public Works' Federal Tax ID number?

397 What is Los Angeles County Public Works' street address?

398 I was required to provide a Letter of Credit in lieu of a cash deposit as a performance bond or to guarantee the payment of future improvements. How can I find out when my Letter of Credit will be released?

399 I want to move my property line farther back.who do i contact regarding moving my property line?

400 Are developmental goals required?
