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Lower Los Angeles River

Implementation Advisory Group

Project Name
Project Location
Current Project Phase
Project Proponent
Mailing Address
Contact Person

Project DescriptionProject Description (Attach map / site layout / concept sketch):

References / Letters of Support(If available, list and attach):

Project Discussion

The intent of the Project Information Packet (PIP) is to help guide project proponents in developing projects that are consistent with the Lower Los Angeles River Revitalization Plan (LLARRP). Also, the PIP may identify areas where the IAG and its three Committees can serve as a resource to aid in finding funding, project partners, innovation, etc. The IAG Committees include Public Realm, Environment, Water & Infrastructure (PREWI), Programs & Policies (PP), and Public Advisory & Community Engagement (PACE).

Please answer the following questions as completely as possible given the stage of the project.

1. Is the project consistent with the Lower Los Angeles River Revitalization Plan (LLARRP)?

2. Does the project improve the overall water quality of the Los Angeles River?

3. Does the project implement stormwater capture, water conservation practices, and/or other methodologies?

4. What environmental documentation (CEQA, NEPA, etc.) will be required or has been completed for the project?

5. Are there any activities associated with the project that could impact the environment such as trash, pet waste, or chemicals?

6. Will the project reduce or mitigate GHG emissions, improve air quality, and/or improve water quality?

7. Will the project modify existing infrastructure such as flood control channels, open space, utility corridors, ROW land use, and transportation corridors?

8. Does the project create habitat or improve ecosystem health within the watershed?

9. Is there native Los Angeles River riparian/wetland vegetation planned for the project?

10. Is the project multi-benefit?

11. Does the project include a public safety aspect, (e.g., lighting, fencing, access, shade, etc.)?

12. Is the project located on public land for use by the public?

13. Does the project include interpretive and educational signage?

14. Does the project include any local art or cultural elements?

15. Does the project include nature-based solutions to address public land and community needs (e.g., trees for shade and air quality, wetlands for flood control and water quality, etc.)?

16. Is there potential funding the project proponent is seeking for the project?

17. Are there any funding gaps identified in the project?

18. Are there any identified partnerships?

19. Are there plans for addressing safety and security within the project limits?

20. Is the project identified in any existing plans/policies (federal, state, local)?

21. Has the city in which the project will be located adopted any of the policies described in the Community Stabilization Toolkit?

22. Is there a group the project intends to serve (e.g., residents, youth, pedestrians, cyclists, artists, equestrians, bird watchers)?

23. Is the project in a disadvantaged community?

24. Will the project create any potential negative impacts on the local community?

25. Does the project address the concerns of equity, displacement, and environmental justice?

26. Has the project been engaging the community in its development process?

27. Has the project consulted with the Native nations it intends to build land on?

28. Are there future plans for community engagement?

29. Has the project received feedback?

Building Blocks

The LLARRP developed a vast array of Building Blocks – modular concepts and strategies – that can be assembled in a variety of ways to develop specific projects, policies, and programs. Please indicate the Building Blocks that the proposed project intends to use and list all elements of the project that apply, including how they apply and their location on the site.

These Building Blocks prioritize project features in relation to water and environment such as water resiliency, sustainability, flood risk and floodplain reclamation.
  • Applied
    Building Block
    Location, Element Type
    Water capture and onsite storage
    Diversion to sanitary sewer
    Green infrastructure
    Infiltration basins and trenches
    Permeable paving
    Dry wells
    Leverage pump stations to convey stormwater
    Brownfields remediation
    Onsite water recycling
    Oyster bed restoration
    Leverage planned regional water recycling projects
    Low-flow channel modifications
    Floodplain expansion

These Building Blocks prioritize public spaces that allow for access to nature and a variety of recreational, entertainment, multi-modal transportation, and socioeconomic opportunities
  • Applied
    Building Block
    Location, Element Type
    Commercial zone access
    Open space access
    Boardwalks and overlooks
    Curb cuts/street eddy basins
    Equestrian trails
    Loop and spur trails
    Pedestrian and cyclist access
    Transit-oriented development
    In-river access and safety
    Elevated paths
    Drinking fountains
    Bike hubs
    Shade (veg. or structural)
    Low water crossings
    Bridge Overcrossing
    Bridge Undercrossing
    Climbing wall
    Recreation center
    Water recreation
    Community gateway
    Regional gateway
    Active space
    Community garden
    Continuous park space
    Habitat area
    Passive space
    Pop-up parks

These Building Blocks prioritize the economic state of the Community to support local businesses and workforce through revitalization efforts.
  • Applied
    Building Block
    Location, Element Type
    Multi-use publicly-owned properties
    Property acquisition
    Low Income Access
    Historical, cultural, environmental education/assets/signage
    Public art and murals
    Additional permanent homeless shelters
    Homeless space sharing
    Destination stops

For any additional Key Elements not mentioned above, please indicate below and specify which category it belongs to. If the Building Block isn’t applicable to the categories mentioned above, please choose “Other”
  • Applied
    Building Block
    Location, Element Type