Projects - LA County Public Works


Project proponents can upload new projects or make modifications to existing projects using the GLAC IRWMP OPTI website.
In order to enter projects into OPTI, stakeholders must sign-up through the website, and apply to be a Community Member. It is highly recommended that new users review the User Guide which is accessible after log-in through the “Help” menu.
Submitted projects will be reviewed on a quarterly basis and will be prioritized at least annually for inclusion on the official project list for the GLAC IRWMP Plan.

What type of projects are encouraged?

Projects located within the GLAC Region that aim to:

  • Optimize local water resources to reduce the Region’s reliance on imported water.
  • Improve the quality of dry and wet weather runoff to help meet beneficial use requirements for the Region’s receiving water bodies.
  • Increase the number of viable wetlands, provide adequate buffers along aquatic systems, and create wildlife linkages within the Region.
  • Increase watershed friendly recreational and open space for all communities within the Region.
  • Reduce the Region’s flood risk to protect life and property using an integrated flood management approach.

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