Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We are having a serious problem with extremely high water pressure that's affecting about 15 homes at this point. The pressure is blowing anti-syphon valves & sprinkler heads. We need to get attention to this as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.

Thank you for contacting the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works. Domestic water pressure is regulated through the water company serving the area in question. Given the cross streets provided in your inquiry, you may fall under the Quartz Hill Water District (661) 943-3170 or under the Palm Ranch Water District (661) 943-2469. Please contact them directly for assistance.
Thank you.

Pressure water district BSD buildings safety plumbing mechanical electrical structural codes structures permits permitting plans blueprints ordinances built fences walls inspections occupancy heating ventilation conditioning energy EDAPTS pools garages remodeling patios UBC IBC roofs heater plan check grading