What are the requirements for inspecting epoxy injection on a county facility?
We do not have specific requirements for inspecting epoxy injection on County facilities. Typically, we hire a structural engineer to evaluate and determine if the cracks need to be repaired. A specialty contractor is brought on board to review the scope of work and the existing conditions. They create map to track the location, crack width/length and cost. The procedure/criteria is then established, submitted and approved by the structural engineer. An inspector from the Dept. of Public Works' Architectural Engineering Division or Deputy Inspector will observe the process. The structural engineer will determine if this will require continuous inspection or just site monitoring. The requirements for inspection is consistent with OSHPD or DSA. In addition, this type of work typically requires the services of a testing lab.
What are the requirements for inspecting epoxy injection on a county facility?
We do not have specific requirements for inspecting epoxy injection on County facilities. Typically, we hire a structural engineer to evaluate and determine if the cracks need to be repaired. A specialty contractor is brought on board to review the scope of work and the existing conditions. They create map to track the location, crack width/length and cost. The procedure/criteria is then established, submitted and approved by the structural engineer. An inspector from the Dept. of Public Works' Architectural Engineering Division or Deputy Inspector will observe the process. The structural engineer will determine if this will require continuous inspection or just site monitoring. The requirements for inspection is consistent with OSHPD or DSA. In addition, this type of work typically requires the services of a testing lab.