Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

what is the procedure in LAC for merging and resubdividing a final map as per section 66499.20 1/2 of the map act?
what is the procedure in LAC for reversion to acreage
for a final map as per sections 66499.11 et seq of the map act?
please provide any applicable local ordinance requirements
thank you

A reversion to acreage is processed in the same way as any other subdivision. You need to fill out a subdivision application with the Department of Regional Planning (DRP) and per Title 21 of the County Code, your tentative map title must specify that you are requesting a reversion to acreage. The land division application forms can be found on DRP's website by following the links below. You can also contact the Land Division Section of DRP directly at (213) 974-6433 if you have any additional questions regarding subdivision procedure.

  Department of Regional Planning Applications

  Department of Regional Planning Contact Info

  Department of Regional Planning Home Page
reversion acreage subdivision LDD regional planning subdivision land development tentative map parcel tract lot split clearance bond drainage concept bulk grading private drain transfer sewer area study LID improvement future surface mining