How can I obtain parcels (polygons preferable) and street centerlines (with address ranges) in ESRI shapefile format?
I am interested in the entire county, not just the city and zip entered above.
I have been unable to find any resources other than the GIS data viewer. It is helpful to an extent, but having the actual data to display in our GIS would be much better.
David Wisbey
NSD Maps
A division of Datamap Intelligence, LLC
Over 2.3 million parcels exist in the County of Los Angeles. These GIS parcels, are numbered individually to uniquely identify and track their historical evolution, cover an area of over 4,080 square miles, including 88 cities and numerous unincorporated communities. This information is maintained by the Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor and can only be obtained from the Office of the Assessor. To obtain and view the GIS parcels please visit the links below.
Local Roll
The Local Roll contains information on various types of secured real properties in Los Angeles County, including government-owned parcels. It is produced annually in July as the basis for property taxes. Records are in order by Assessor's Identification Number (Map book-Page-Parcel). This item is available on 3480 cartridge tape, microfiche, or CD/DVD. This information is maintained by the Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor and can only be obtained from the Office of the Assessor. For more information please visit the links below.
Additional information on the above data can be obtained from Mr. Bulmaro Borrero at the Assessor's Office. Mr. Borrero can be contacted at:
Office of the Assessor
Hall of Administration
500 W. Temple Street, Room 295
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 893-1233
Assessor Data Map page
LA County Spatial Information Library
Assessor Data Price List
How can I obtain parcels (polygons preferable) and street centerlines (with address ranges) in ESRI shapefile format?
I am interested in the entire county, not just the city and zip entered above.
I have been unable to find any resources other than the GIS data viewer. It is helpful to an extent, but having the actual data to display in our GIS would be much better.
David Wisbey
NSD Maps
A division of Datamap Intelligence, LLC
Over 2.3 million parcels exist in the County of Los Angeles. These GIS parcels, are numbered individually to uniquely identify and track their historical evolution, cover an area of over 4,080 square miles, including 88 cities and numerous unincorporated communities. This information is maintained by the Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor and can only be obtained from the Office of the Assessor. To obtain and view the GIS parcels please visit the links below.
Local Roll
The Local Roll contains information on various types of secured real properties in Los Angeles County, including government-owned parcels. It is produced annually in July as the basis for property taxes. Records are in order by Assessor's Identification Number (Map book-Page-Parcel). This item is available on 3480 cartridge tape, microfiche, or CD/DVD. This information is maintained by the Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor and can only be obtained from the Office of the Assessor. For more information please visit the links below.
Additional information on the above data can be obtained from Mr. Bulmaro Borrero at the Assessor's Office. Mr. Borrero can be contacted at:
Office of the Assessor
Hall of Administration
500 W. Temple Street, Room 295
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 893-1233
Assessor Data Map page
LA County Spatial Information Library
Assessor Data Price List