Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I am considering purchasing a lot in Altadena, Woodbury Heights area, to subdivide into 6 parcels and constructing 6 affordable housing units with a private drive. The lot is approximately 30,000 sf.
There are 4 existing parcels on the same block that are 50 x 54, which is basically what I would like to do, as well as other multi-family property across the street and surrounding area.
My questions are 1) who can I talk to at the County, prior to purchasing the property, to discuss the feasibility, and 2) what the procedure and lead times are for approval?
Your prompt response is appreciated.
Mittry Mor

Scheduling a "One-Stop" appointment with the Department of Regional Planning (DRP) is recommended for anyone who is considering subdividing property. The One-Stop appointment allows a potential subdivider to meet with DRP, Public Works, and the Fire Department to obtain information regarding the feasibility of subdividing a property, as well as ask questions. One-Stop appointments can be scheduled through DRP at (213) 974-6411. A fee is required, however, this is the most efficient way to begin the process of a potential subdivision in LA County. For additional information, you may go to DRP's website:

subdivision, subdivide LDD regional planning subdivision land development tentative map parcel tract lot split clearance bond drainage concept bulk grading private drain transfer sewer area study LID improvement future surface mining