I received the notice for home banking about including the account number and customer number on my water bill pay profile. I use my bank's website to pay my bills. Do I need to do anything different to make sure my payments are properly applied?
Yes. You will need to update your account information in your bill pay profile. In the place were you input your account info please enter the entire 15 digits: Water Account # (8 digits) plus Customer # (7 digits), without any spaces. We need both water bill account number and customer number to process your payment correctly.
I received the notice for home banking about including the account number and customer number on my water bill pay profile. I use my bank's website to pay my bills. Do I need to do anything different to make sure my payments are properly applied?
Yes. You will need to update your account information in your bill pay profile. In the place were you input your account info please enter the entire 15 digits: Water Account # (8 digits) plus Customer # (7 digits), without any spaces. We need both water bill account number and customer number to process your payment correctly.