Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What if the check amount provided by the Invoice Payment Status Inquiry screen is less than the amount of the invoice I submitted for payment?

If your invoice is short-paid please refer to the correspondence that was mailed with your check for an explanation. The short payment may be a result of invoice unit prices that were higher than the purchase order, freight charges that were not part of the purchase order, or more items being invoiced than were ordered. It may also be that not all items ordered have been received. The contact person on the correspondence can assist you with any questions concerning the short payment. The person who ordered the goods or services can also help to resolve issues between the Invoice terms and specifications and the purchase order, if you need further assistance please contact the Accounts Payable Section at (626) 458-6900 or by e-mail at

IPSI Financial budget auditing FIS Fiscal accounting cashiering payables receivables audits FAS invoice