Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where can I dispose of car batteries?

Thank you for your inquiry. Car batteries are considered household hazardous waste (HHW) and should not be placed for disposal in with your regular trash.

The Department of Public Works conducts weekly HHW Collection Events at different sites throughout the County in order to provide service to all residents at least once a year. A few cities also have permanent HHW collection centers to serve their residents. Click on the Collection Event link below to see the current schedule.

These HHW events are free to all County residents and are open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., unless noted otherwise. In addition to viewing the materials on our website, you can find out about the dates and locations of other collection events, permanent centers in various cities, and additional information about our program by calling our toll free number at 1(888)CLEAN LA.

Note that businesses are not allowed to participate in the County HHW program.

  HHW Collection Event Schedule
car battery, HHW, collection, business, residents, round up EPD Environmental Hazardous Underground Tank Regulation Waste Discharge Quality Monitoring Industrial Garbage Disposals Composting Gardening bins Recycle recycling trash health collection batteries battery gardens landfills dumping gas SUSMP refuse oil tires HHW e-waste yard worm methane junk reuse exchange ust ugt earth vermiculture sanitation recipes green grasscycle school gdd ambiental peligroso regulacion subterrinea tanque desecho calidad descargue disposicion basura abono organico jardineria reciclar reciclaje salud coleccion baterias jardines relleno sanitario tirar descargar aceite llantas electronico yarda gusano metano trastos reusar intercambiar tierra vermicultura saneamiento recetas verde pasto escuela