Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I own a parcel of raw land at 1220 Linda Flora Dr, Los Angeles, 90049 - Parcel no. 4377002015. I am evaluating the buildability of this property and was wondering if there is any soil or geotechnical reports for nearby properties.

If available, could you please share these reports or guide me on how to obtain them? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

Thank you for your request. GMED only stores records that are within Unincorporated Los Angeles County jurisdiction or select contracted Cities which GMED provides geologic/geotechnical review. Your records request(s) is for a property outside of our jurisdiction. Please utilize the following information for the City of LA and they should be able to assist you.

Building Permits
Contact City/Community of Los Angeles
(213) 473-3231