LA County's
Outdoor Dining Program
Los Angeles County currently offers Outdoor Dining for restaurants within unincorporated areas by permit. Los Angeles County Departments are currently developing a Permanent Outdoor Dining Program that will continue to benefit both businesses and patrons. Restaurants in unincorporated Los Angeles County have opportunities to expand dining seating into the following areas:
- Private Walkways
- Private Parking Facilities
- County's Road Right-of-Way (Sidewalks, Metered or Unmetered Parking Spaces, and Alleys)
Private Property Applications
All existing permits under the Temporary Outdoor Dining Program will be extended to July 1st, 2026. For all new applicants contact LA County Planning at or at (213) 974-6411.
How To Apply:
Follow the step-by-step instructions to apply online through EPIC-LA.
Please see the Temporary Outdoor Dining Checklist for the existing guidelines and requirements for temporary outdoor dining areas.
For applicants looking to establish permanent outdoor dining areas please see the Outdoor Dining regulations. To apply follow the instructions on our Land Use Checklist.
For questions, please contact LA County Planning at or (213) 974-6411.
Public Right-of-Way Applications
For applicants wishing to apply for sidewalk dining permits, please contact Public Works at (626) 458-3129.
If your restaurant is located in the City of Los Angeles, visit the city's website and learn more about the L.A. Al Fresco Outdoor Dining Program at
The County has approved a revised ordinance for Outdoor Dining in Public Right-of-Way. This will expand opportunities for restaurants to serve patrons on sidewalks, in parklets and intermittently in alleys. The ordinance below was approved by the Board of Supervisors on January 9, 2024 and will be effective February 8, 2024. Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!
- Approved Ordinance - Outdoor Dining in Public Right-of-Way
Onsite and Offsite Outdoor Dining Permit
(Private Property Application)
Restaurant owners are eligible for the permit if the proposed establishment:
- Is located in an unincorporated County community
- Has an on-site walkway or parking facility (Onsite Location)
- Has valid LA County Planning approval authorizing the use of the off-site walkway or parking facility (Offsite Location)
How To Apply:
Follow the step-by-step instructions
to apply through EPIC-LA, the County’s Electronic Permitting &
Inspections portal.
Please click on the following link for the existing regulation that would apply to applicants looking to establish outdoor dining: Outdoor Dining
For questions, please contact LA County Planning at or (213) 974-6411.
Annual Outdoor Sidewalk Dining Permit
(Public Right-of-Way Application)
Owners are eligible for this permit if their restaurant is:
- Located in an unincorporated County community
- Adjacent to a sidewalk maintained by Public Works
How To Apply:
Submit an online application to Public Works through the County’s Electronic Permitting and Inspections portal, EPIC-LA.
Alley and Road Closures Permit
(Public Right-of-Way Application)
Restaurant owners and sponsors may apply for a permit from Public Works to temporarily close an alley or a street to vehicular traffic for outdoor dining space.
Sponsors and restaurant owners are eligible for the permit if the proposed closure is:
- Located in an unincorporated County community
- A public alley or street maintained by Public Works
How To Apply:
Submit an online application to Public Works through the County’s Electronic Permitting and Inspections portal, EPIC-LA.
Parklet Permit (Not available at this time)
(Public Right-of-Way Application)
Restaurant owners will soon be able to apply to Public Works for a temporary permit to convert on-street parking spaces to an outdoor dining space (parklet). This will be available once the new ordinance and guidelines are finalized.
If you would like to email your general comments or inquiries, please send it to