Watershed Plans

Watershed Plans

Agencies throughout Los Angeles County are embarking on a new way to address and manage stormwater runoff with Watershed Management Programs (WMPs) or Enhanced Watershed Management Programs (EWMP). WMPs allow agencies to develop strategies and control measures to address the highest watershed water quality priorities while EWMPs allow for agencies to collaborate on multi-benefit projects that also address flood control and/or water supply while addressing water quality issues. The WMPs and EWMPs plans proposed projects that will divert or treat stormwater runoff to help prevent pollutants from flowing into our rivers, creeks, and oceans. The plans were developed based on computer model projections and will consist of mostly green streets and large regional projects. Below are a few examples of the type of projects you can expect:

Green Streets – Brandon Street

Brandon Street Et Al. project involves the roadway, drainage, and street lighting improvements along segments of local residential streets (with no sidewalk and curb and gutter) on Brandon Street and Green Street in unincorporated area of Pasadena. The $2 million project includes roadway reconstruction with new curb and gutter, pervious sidewalk and gutter, ADA curb ramps, decorative porous pavers, bio-swales, native drought tolerant landscaping, subsurface retention basin, and new street lights.

Green Streets – Brandon Street

Regional Projects – Rory M. Shaw Wetlands Park

The project proposes to convert a 46-acre, engineered, inert landfill into a multi-purpose wetlands park. A storm drain system will be constructed to collect stormwater runoff from the upstream 929-acre drainage area and convey them into the project site. Detention ponds and wetlands will be constructed to capture and treat stormwater runoff to provide water quality enhancement. Proposed recreational enhancements include trails, active recreational amenities, educational signage and restrooms.

Regional Projects – Rory M. Shaw Wetlands Park