Whether you walk, ride, or drive, LA County is enhancing safety along Mulholland Highway.
Project Updates
Maintenance Project - January 2024
Los Angeles County Public Works began repairs of Mulholland Highway at Mile Marker 14.74. The project is scheduled to last approximately three months. Mulholland Hwy from Mile Marker 15.47 will remain closed to all traffic including vehicular, pedestrians, and cyclists.
Please see the Construction Notification Flyer for more information. For latest status of the current closure, visit Public Works' Road Closures site.
Implementation of Vision Zero on Mulholland Highway Report - December 6, 2023
Public Works submitted a report in response to Supervisor Horvath's motion titled "Implementation of Vision Zero on Mulholland Highway." This report includes a summary of existing conditions, community feedback received during outreach, and a discussion of proposed traffic safety enhancements.
Implementation of Vision Zero on Mulholland Highway Board Motion - August 8, 2023
The Board of Supervisors approved Supervisor Horvath's motion regarding traffic safety along Mulholland Hwy, bringing together engineers, public health professionals, law enforcement, and community members to identify ways to eliminate fatal and severe injury crashes along the roadway.
Past Community Outreach Calendar
Public Works appreciates the feedback received from community members and road users who participated in County surveys and outreach events. View summary of survey results.
Virtual Meeting in
October 2023
Tabling Event in
October 2023
The Rock Store
30354 Mulholland Hwy.
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
Community Meeting in
November 2023
Seminole Springs Community Center
30473 Mulholland Hwy.
Cornell, CA 91301

Traffic Safety Enhancements 1
Public Works is proposing implementing the following traffic safety measures from Zuma Ridge Fire Rd (near Encinal Canyon Rd) to one mile east of April Rd:

Curve Advisory & Chevron Signage
to assist drivers with identifying changing road features.

Wider Edge Line, Centerline Rumble Strips, and Reflective Markers
to alert drivers if they’ve left their lane and help them avoid other vehicles, signs, guardrails, and other features.

Speed Reduction Pavement Markings
to encourage drivers to be aware of their speed and slow down.
Safety Benefits
Chevron Signs – 25% reduction in nighttime crashes, 16% reduction in non-intersection fatal and injury crashes.
Wider edge lines reduce non-intersection fatal and severe injury crashes up to 37% on rural 2-lane roads.
Speed Reduction Pavement Markings – Can reduce overall speeds downstream of curves up to 5 mph.
Mulholland Hwy
(2013-September 2023)2:
Of severe injury and fatal collisions along Mulholland Hwy involved a fixed object or roadway departure.
Severe injuries among drivers, passengers, bicyclists, and motorcyclists.
Fatalities among all drivers: 3 motorcyclists, 1 person inside vehicle.
- Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-SA-21-055, FHWA-SA-21-035, and Low-Cost Treatments for Horizontal Curve Safety 2016, “Chapter 3 Markings”
- Los Angeles County Public Works Traffic Collisions Database – Exported 9/19/23 – Data from 2013 to Sept 2023
Contact Us
We need your help to improve transportation safety for all. Contact a Public Works engineer in the following ways: