Whether you walk, ride, or drive, LA County is enhancing safety for everyone who shares the road through its
Vision Zero Action Plan, Step by Step Pedestrian Plans, and Bicycle Master Plan.
Public Works maintains nearly 3,200 miles of roadway in unincorporated LA County.
This project includes portions of roadways that have been identified as Vision Zero Collision Concentration Corridors which have a history of fatal and severe injury collisions. El Segundo is among the Top 20 roadways. Broadway is in the Top 30. San Pedro St also has a history of fatal and severe collisions.
Within the Project limits (2012-2021):
Severe injuries among bicyclists

Severe injuries among pedestrians

Pedestrian fatalities

people living in the project area rely on walking, bicycling, or transit to get to school and work every day.*

Proven Traffic Safety Countermeasures
Public Works is proposing these traffic safety enhancements in addition to ADA curb ramps and push buttons, vehicle and bicycle detection upgrades, protected left-turn phasing, and traffic signal upgrades:

High-Visibility Crosswalks
to alert drivers of pedestrian crossings, which can help reduce pedestrian injury crashes by up to 40%.

Curb Extensions or
to shorten the crossing distance for pedestrians and reduce vehicle speeds.

Leading Pedestrian Interval
to give pedestrians the opportunity to enter the crosswalk 3-7 seconds before vehicles are given a green indication.
Traffic Safety Countermeasure Highlight
Roadway Reconfiguration
This project includes proposed roadway reconfigurations on El Segundo Blvd and San Pedro St.
A roadway reconfiguration (also known as a road diet) reallocates travel lanes and utilizes the space for other uses and travel modes, such as bike lanes, pedestrian refuge islands, transit uses, turn lanes, and/or parking.
A roadway reconfiguration can improve safety, calm traffic, reduce collisions, provide better mobility and access for all road users, and enhance overall quality of life.
https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/road_diets/guidance/info_guide/Click here for the potential Roadway Reconfiguration attributes.
Existing and Potential Cross Sections
El Segundo Blvd: E/o Figueroa St to Avalon Blvd

Existing Street

Potential Roadway Reconfiguration
Remove peak hour parking restrictions in each direction and implement Class II buffered bike lanes.San Pedro St: El Segundo Blvd to Rosecrans Ave

Existing Street

Potential Roadway Reconfiguration
Convert to one lane in each direction, install left-turn pockets, and implement parking protected Class IV bike lanes.Take our Survey
We want to hear directly from community members like you to help ensure that the interests and needs that matter most to the community are a top priority in this project. Share your thoughts by taking our survey.
Proposed Project Schedule

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