National Flood Insurance Program and County Floodways

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The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to reduce loss of life and property, and meet the rising costs of disaster relief due to flooding. The Program is voluntary based on a mutual agreement between the federal government and the local community. The Los Angeles County entered the NFIP in 1980. Participation in the program makes flood insurance available to LA County unincorporated area residents and allows them to obtain direct Federal relief loans following federally declared flood disasters.

Los Angeles County has an ongoing Floodplain Management program. The program includes mapping of flood hazard areas associated with FEMA’s Base Flood, which are shown on FEMA’s Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and the County’s Capital Flood, which are shown on the County Floodway Maps. The Program also includes adopting associated ordinances, and regulating and enforcing safe building practices. It is the combination of these activities that promote flood protection to our community and maintain LA County's eligibility to participate in the NFIP.

Links to various components of our Floodplain Management program activities are listed on the left side of this page. A brief activity description is located on each page to provide a better insight of our program and the corresponding value to our community.

For information regarding the NFIP in unincorporated Los Angeles County, please contact the Public Works Flood Zone Hotline at (626) 458-4321.

For information regarding the NFIP in incorporated (city) areas, please use the link below to access the contact list of floodplain managers for cities in Los Angeles County.

NFIP City Contact List