Franklin D. Roosevelt Park Regional Stormwater Capture Project

Roosevelt Park



LA County has been in a drought with no foreseeable end. Innovative ways are needed to diversify water resources and boost the reliability of local water supplies.


Runoff from storms carry urban trash and debris into local rivers, streams, and beaches.


There is a great need for safe neighborhood parks and for preservation and enhancement of existing recreational facilities.


The public is increasingly aware of water resources challenges, but much still needs to be done to raise awareness of the availability of innovative, environmentally sustainable solutions.


The proposed Franklin D. Roosevelt Park Regional Stormwater Capture Project is a County of Los Angeles Department of Public Works (LACDPW) project that proposes several improvements to the Park to increase water conservation, improve water quality, and provide additional recreation, education, and outreach benefits to Park visitors. The Park encompasses approximately 24 acres and lies adjacent to the Glen Avenue Drainage System that discharges into Compton Creek, which is a tributary of the Los Angeles River, both of which are water quality impaired. LACDPW is proposing to divert dry- and wet-weather flows from the Glen Avenue Drainage System and to provide pre-treatment of water for infiltration to the groundwater basin. The proposed project would achieve multiple benefits, including water quality improvements, water conservation, Park facility upgrades, and education and outreach signage.


LA County Logo County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation Logo Department of Water Resources Logo Los Angeles County Flood Control District Logo

• Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas
• County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation
• California Department of Water Resources - Proposition 84 2015 Implementation Grant Program
• Los Angeles County Flood Control District

Project Plans, Specifications and Reports

Project Notification Flyers and Public Meetings Updates

The Franklin D. Roosevelt Park Regional Stormwater Capture Project has been completed! Please see project completion photos below.

APRIL 2020

Construction of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Park Stormwater Capture Project will be substantially completed this month. Ceremony details to commemorate construction completion will be announced at a later time. Click on photos below to see the latest progress.


In order to improve security of the new artificial turf soccer field, the existing corroded fence will need to be replaced. This is additional work that wasn’t included with the original Project scope and has resulted in pushing the project completion date. Thank you for your patience.


The Franklin D. Roosevelt Park Stormwater Capture construction project is at 75% completion and the estimated completion date is November 2019. Construction fencing will continue to remain closed to the public as described in the May update. Click on photos below to see the progress.

MAY 2019

The Franklin D. Roosevelt Park Stormwater Capture construction project is at 50% completion. The north side of the park that is surrounded by construction fencing will remain closed to the public during this time which includes the soccer field, skateboard park, fitness par course, 2 picnic shelters and surrounding picnic areas. All other amenities at the park will remain open to the public during construction which include: the Florence Express Library, the children’s play areas, picnic areas and restrooms along Graham Avenue.


Project construction at Roosevelt Park has begun! Click on pictures below to see the progress.


On November 8, 2018, the County went door-to-door to distribute project information flyers and provided updates to residents who live nearby Roosevelt Park. The residents were informed of the potential traffic and pedestrian impacts that will take place during construction. In addition, the County also provided similar project updates at the Florence-Firestone Community Leaders monthly meeting on November 14, 2018. Click on the link above for the project information flyer.


The construction contract was awarded to Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. and executed in September 2018. Construction is expected to start in late November 2018 and be completed in July 2019. Click on the links above for the project plans and specifications.

MAY 2018

The Final Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program are now available for download. Click on the links above for these documents.


A project update presentation was given at the Florence-Firestone Community Leaders meeting on February 14, 2018, 6:30 p.m., at the LA County Community Services Center. Click on the link above for the meeting presentation.


The Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration was released on December 2017 for a 30-day public review and comment period. Click on the links above for these documents.


To receive project updates, please create an account with eNotify and subscribe to the project e-mailing list or contact Louis Romero at (626) 300-3221 or