Antelope Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Plan
The Antelope Valley Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) group is currently updating the 2013 Antelope Valley IRWM Plan to comply with new State integrated planning requirements, improve the content, and make the group eligible for future grant funding. The 2013 Antelope Valley IRWM Plan provided a mechanism for: 1) coordinating, refining and integrating existing planning efforts within a comprehensive, regional context; 2) identifying specific regional and watershed-based priorities for implementation projects; and 3) providing funding support for the plans, programs, projects and priorities of existing agencies and stakeholders. The 2018 Antelope Valley IRWM Plan update allows stakeholders to revisit the Plan's goals, objectives and priorities in light of changes that have occurred since 2013.
The 2019 IRWMP update is available by clicking on the icon on the left.
The 2014 Salt and Nutrient Management Plan is available by clicking on the icon to the left.
The final 2013 IRWMP update is available by clicking on the icon on the left.
The Antelope Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP), A.K.A. The AV Water Plan, is a multi-county collaboration effort developed
to address regional concerns about water supply reliability, water quality, flood protection, environmental resources and land use management in the Antelope Valley.
You can read the original 2007 IRWMP by clicking on the icon to the left.