Welcome to Belvedere Garbage Disposal District


The Belvedere Garbage Disposal District is an area within the unincorporated County of Los Angeles where trash, recycling, organic waste collection and other waste management services are administered by the County and provided to residents and businesses through a contract with a private waste hauler. Public Works, Environmental Programs Division, oversees the provision of services, manages the terms of the contract, and assists customers with service issues such as missed pick-ups and other complaints. All properties within these districts are automatically enrolled for these services. Fees for these services are collected as part of the annual property taxes paid by property owners. Charges for services may vary depending on customer demand, accessibility of the property, the land use type assigned by the Assessor, and the ability of the County to negotiate cost-effective contracts with independent haulers.

The level service and the amount charged is based on the land use codes assigned to the property by the County of Los Angeles Office of the Assessor.

Please see the trash service allocations table below for a list of property types and the guaranteed level of trash service. Any additional services can be negotiated between the hauler and the customer directly.

Businesses can download a copy of the Trash Guide brochure in English and Spanish.

Organic Waste is material that comes from living organisms such as, but not limited to, food, food scraps, food soiled paper, paper products, yard or green waste, wood, manure, and organic textiles like cotton. On November 16, 2021, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors adopted the Mandatory Organic Waste Disposal Reduction Ordinance. The Ordinance ensures everyone does their part in diverting organic waste and edible food from landfills to reduce emissions of methane and the impacts on climate change. The Ordinance is also required per State Senate Bill 1383 regulations. The Ordinance requires all businesses and residents in the County unincorporated communities to subscribe to organic waste collection services. Self-hauling is also allowed under certain circumstances.

Service Features
All properties in the Belvedere Garbage Disposal District are entitled to the weekly services below. Contact your waste hauler for any questions.
waste collection - Collection of trash, organic waste, and recyclables each week on regular collection day(s).
trash carts or dumpsters - Dumpsters or plastic carts (i.e., green, blue, black), in appropriate sizes and quantities, are provided based on land use designation.
Clean-up photo
annual clean-up campaign - an Annual Clean-up Campaign is conducted throughout each of the Garbage Disposal Districts on designated Saturdays during the spring or summer months. During the campaign, large household discards, such as furniture, stoves, rugs, and electronics may be set out at your regular trash collection location to be collected free of charge. Check with your hauler to confirm dates.
Bulky item photo
bulky items including electronic waste - Large household items such as furniture, refrigerators, mattresses, and water heaters; electronics such as computers, printers, televisions, VCRs, cell phones, fax machines, stereos, and electronic games; and up to 60 pounds of construction and demolition debris generated onsite will be collected upon request at no charge. Call your Garbage Disposal District hauler to schedule a pick-up.
Recycle x-mas tree
holiday tree recycling - Holiday trees are collected during a 3-week period following the holidays in December. Please place your holiday tree at the curb on your regular trash day for free collection.
Calender days
holiday collection schedule - There will be no trash collection service on the following holidays:
  • New Year's Day - January 1
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day - July 4
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • December 25

Collections for the remainder of the week after the holiday will be delayed by one day.
public receptacles - Discards in curbside public receptacles are collected twice a day, six days a week.
sidewalks, parkways, & alleys - Removal of abandoned waste, illegally dumped items, and waste in alleyways.
other services - A variety of services are available to customers in the GDD areas such as mulch and compost giveaways, electronics and clothing drop-off events, and biannual site visits to commercial properties to review waste disposal practices.
Collection Frequency
Properties receive collection service once per week with the exception of:
  • Properties with 2.5 cubic yards or more of service are entitled to receive collection service twice a week.
  • Properties classified by the Assessor as Commercial food establishments are entitled to daily collection service of waste, excluding Sundays and holidays.
Service Level and Service Fee
assessor data
The service level assigned to the parcel may be verified by going to the Office of the Assessor's website and reviewing the land use.

Assessor office
Sample Tax Bill
Sanple Tax Bill
Trash Service Allocations
Use Code Land Use Cubic Yards
0100 Single family home 0.5
0200 Duplex, double or two units 1
0300 Three residential units (any combination) 1.5
0400 Four residential units (any combination) 2
0500 Five or more residential units (per unit) 0.5
0600 Modular homes 0.5
0800 Rooming houses 0.5
0900 Mobile home parks 2.5
2800 Animal kennels 2.5
6500 Auditoriums, stadiums & amphitheaters 2.5
2670 Auto serv. shops (body & fender garage) 1.5
2300 Banks, savings and loan 1
6300 Bowling alleys 2.5
2630 Car wash 1.5
7700 Cemeteries and mausoleums 1.5
7110 Church parking lots 0.25
7100 Churches 0.5
6400 Clubs, lodge halls & fraternal org. 2.5
3400 Food processing plants 3
6530 Gymnasiums and health spas 0.5
3200 Heavy manufacturing 1
7500 Homes for the aged and others 1.5
7400 Hospitals 2.5
1810 Hotels - 50 rooms and over 2.5
3100 Light manufacturing 2
3600 Lumberyards 1
1420 Markets, less than 6,000 square feet 1
3700 Mineral processing 1
1010 Miscellaneous commercial 1
3000 Miscellaneous industrial 1
7710 Mortuaries, funeral homes 5
1850 Motel/hotel and apartment combinations 3.5
1820 Motels - 5 units and over 2.5
3500 Motion picture, radio and TV industries 1
2900 Nurseries or greenhouses 5
1700 Office buildings 2.5
3900 Open storage 1
2700 Parking lots (commercial use properties) 0.5
3800 Parking lots (industrial use properties) 0.5
8300 Petroleum and gas 0.5
7200 Private schools 1.5
1900 Professional buildings 2.5
2100 Restaurants 3
2650 Sales recreation equipment 1.5
2400 Service shops/laundries/radio & TV repair 1.5
2500 Service stations, full-service 1.5
* Service stations, self-service 1
1500 Shopping centers (neighborhood & commty.) 9
1600 Shopping centers (regional) 9
1100 Store 1.5
1200 Store and office combinations 2
1210 Store and residential combinations 2
1400 Supermarkets 2
6100 Theaters 1.5
2610 Used car sales 1
8100 Utility/pump plants/state assessed prop. 0.5
* Vacant commercial establishments 0.5
* Vacant commercial land 0.25
* Vacant heavy manufacturing 0.5
* Vacant industrial establishments 0.5
* Vacant industrial land 0.25
3300 Warehousing, distrib/stor, - over 10,000 sq. ft. 2.5
3310 Warehousing, distribution or storage 2
2200 Wholesale and manufacturing outlets 1
* Code unavailable

Frequently Asked Questions
How were service levels determined?

Service levels assigned to parcels are based on the type of land use designation within which they reside. This is determined by the Office of the Assessor's annual property tax appraisal. In other words, charges for services will vary based on whether the assessed property is a single-family home, duplex, multi-family residence, restaurant, store, shopping center, etc.

Can my restaurant get daily service?

Yes, except on Sundays and holidays. Property must be classified by the Assessor as a Commercial Food Establishment.

My business is in the GDD. Can I get trash service for free?

The GDD trash service is provided to all property owners, not all business owners. You must speak to the property owner. Also, basic trash service is determined by land use codes, not what business is operating and there may be discrepancies.

Can I get more trash service?

Yes, but there will be a service charge for additional service (e.g., larger capacity or increased frequency) beyond the service assessment paid for on the property tax bill.

What if there are multiple businesses on one property?

If there are multiple businesses on one property, the specific business type may be different from the assigned property land use code (i.e. a restaurant in a shopping center). The property owner/property management company should contact Public Works to verify the level of trash service allocated to the property and to clarify any discrepancies.

Requesting New Service

The standard service is currently paid through the property owners' property taxes and the containers will be delivered to the address at no additional charge. To request new service, please have the following information ready when you contact the waste hauler:

  • Contact Person
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address (optional)
  • Business Name (if applicable)
  • Address
  • Parcel Number (if known)
  • Location Description
    • Stand-Alone, Single-Use Building (no other residents or businesses)
    • Multiple Residents or Businesses in 1 Building
    • Strip Mall/Shopping Center
  • Names and Addresses of Other Businesses on Same Property (if applicable):

  • Type of Service
    • Residential: Single Family Home, Apartment, Condominium
    • Commercial: Restaurant, Market/Grocery Store, Office, Retail, etc.
  • Requested Containers
    • General Refuse (trash)
    • Recyclables
    • Green Waste
  • Container Type
    • Plastic Carts (32, 64 or 96-gallon)
    • Metal Dumpster (2, 3, or 4 cubic yards)
  • Frequency of Service
    • Once per week
    • More than once per week
Future Community Meetings


Past Community Meetings

  • September 17, 2024 - Belvedere Community Regional Park (Presentation)

  • September 24, 2024 - Saybrook Park

  • October 3, 2024 - Virtual Community Meeting (Recording)

  • October 8, 2024 - Our Lady of Victory Church

  • October 15, 2024 - City Terrace Park

  • December 10, 2024 - Belvedere Community Regional Park

  • Tuesday, December 17, 2024 - Virtual Community Meeting (Recording) (Presentation)
Who to Contact

For all trash related matters please contact Valley Vista Services at (800) 442-6454 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.
  • Missed pick-up
  • Inquire about collection schedule
  • Bulky item collection
  • Electronic waste (e-waste) collection
  • Replace damaged or stolen carts
  • Additional Carts/Dumpsters
  • Annual cleanup events
  • Mulch/compost events
For environmental questions, customer service complaints, or to report illegal dumping please contact Public Works at (888) CLEAN LA. You may also report illegal dumping by using our smart phone application The Works (The Works - LA County Public Works), by e-mail (dumping@pw.lacounty.gov) or by visiting Illegal Dumping Incident Report on the Public Works website.
Contract Documents