About Integrated Regional Water Management
The Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) is a document that identifies and plans for the water resource related needs of the Upper Santa Clara River Watershed for the next 20 years. The IRWMP integrates single-benefit projects throughout the region to achieve multi-beneficial goals for water supply, water quality, water conservation, and resource stewardship. The IRWMP utilizes a stakeholder-driven process led by the Regional Water Management Group. The IRWMP is periodically updated to reflect future regional water and resource needs.
Who is the Regional Water Management Group?
The RWMG is currently comprised of the Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency, City of Santa Clarita, Los Angeles County Flood Control District, San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy, and Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation District of Los Angeles County. Stakeholders from other agencies, nonprofit organizations, and citizen groups participate by attending public meetings and provide feed-back and input on the IRWMP to the RWMG.
How will projects be funded?
Developing an IRWMP allows regions to apply for IRWM state grant funds, as well as other funding resources. Currently (April 2019) Proposition 1 authorizes $510 million to fund statewide projects intended to improve regional water self-reliance security and adapt to the effects on water supply arising out of climate change. Specifically, the purpose is to assist water infrastructure systems adapt to climate change; provide incentives for water agencies throughout each watershed to collaborate in managing the region’s water resources and setting regional proprieties for water infrastructure; and improve regional water self-reliance, while reducing reliance on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The RWMG has been successful in acquiring over $41 million in grant funding from the State’s IRWM Grant Program for the Santa Clarita Valley.
How can I get involved or stay informed?
An open, transparent process is essential to developing an IRWMP. Ongoing public participation in plan development will help ensure that key issues are addressed. Members of the public are encouraged to offer input at stakeholder meetings. If interested, please contact Rick Vasilopulos by email at: rvasilopulos@scvwa.org or by phone at (661) 513-1281 and include your contact information on our email list.
Memorandum of Understanding
The purpose of this document is to establish the mutual understandings of Los Angeles Flood Control District, Castaic Lake Water Agency, Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation Distirct, City of Santa Clarita, Newhall County Water District, Santa Clarita Water Division and the Valencia Water Company, with respect to their joint efforts towards developing the Upper Santa Clara Region which will increase regional coordination, collaboration and communication and help in obtaining funding for water-related projects.
You are welcome and encouraged to adopt this MOU, or write a letter of support. Please notify Menerva Ariki (MARIKI@dpw.lacounty.gov) or Youssef Chebabi (YCHEBABI@dpw.lacounty.gov) if you are interested in adopting the MOU.
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