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601 What are the requirements for building a single family residence in a flood zone area? And what are the requirements for septic systems in such areas?

602 A neighbor is adding on to her 2 rental units on her property. How can I find out if proper permits have been placed? I'm specifically concerned about the amount of off-street parking that has to be made available now that the units are being significantly enlarged. Thanks!

603 I want to apply to be certified as a Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector for LA County through the Building and Safety Division of Public Works. I have the application for testing, but I can not find the instructions or the qualifications necessary to apply. They are not online anywhere. Please reply with the Qualifications necessary to apply, the reference material needed for the testing, the required fee for the certification, who can submit reference letters on my behalf. Thank you

604 I need to find out whether a residential pool needs to be fenced in or not. The pool itself is not currently fenced; however, the yard is enclosed and there is a self latching gate at the entrance of the yard. I am considering removing the gate, but installing a new automatic gate at the driveway leading to the yard. Please let me know if this is allowed. Also, where can I call if I have any questions about the building code as it pertains to private pools?


606 What residential plans are required to have the seal of a licensed architect? The form for minimum plan submittal requirements says that they must be wet sealed and signed, WHEN REQUIRED. Please verify/confirm when they are required. Also, to what extent is there grandfathering for older homes in the county that were built and added on to over the last 100 years, without permitting? Is a pre-permit inspection and approval required before a new addition permit can be given? If so, what will this inspection entail, and what upgrades will likely be required? The existing house is approximately 1000 SF, built by the owner's grandfather and added on to / upgraded over time by various family members. The proposed addition is approximately 450 SF attached the back end of the house with little or no remodeling to the existing house, other than to connect the two.

607 I would like to purchase a copy of the "Greenbook". Do you publish this or could you direct me to an agency or vendor that sells this?

608 We wish to build a garage on our property. What is the setback. Thank you

609 How do I get on a contractor list to paint curb addresses?

610 For additional room to my existing residential house: What sewer/drain pipe size do I use for Toilet drain & vent? for bath tub drain & vent? for bathroom wash basin drain & vent? What pipe material should I use? ABS,PVC or metal? Can I run sewer/drain pipe through exterior/interior footing (footing is 24 inches deep)? What maximum distance from toilet other fixtures (bath tub, wash basin or sink) must the vent be placed? What is the minimum grade/slope required for the sewer/drain line (for back flow prevention)?

611 Is there a Countywide director of ADA and does he or she have an email address?

612 How do I dispose of my old refrigerator?

613 How do I dispose of my old lawnmower?

614 Do you have a Cost Estimate Unit Price list for commercial/industrial and/or residential construction?

615 We just purchase this property and we have foundation problems and they have suggested to have drainage work done...we cant seem to find any one to get this job done any suggestion would help thank you very much...

616 Where can I get a permit to repair my roof? Do I need a permit to remodel my bathroom and kitchen?

617 Where can a small business dispose of smoke alarms?

618 I would like to know the location of the uppermost aquifer and aquifers hydraulically interconnected beneath 930 North Selby Street in El Segundo, including the direction and flow-rate of groundwater, depth to groundwater, and seasonal high groundwater level. Thank you for your help, David

619 We have a customer planning to install one of our test systems, which uses 20A 3-Phase 208VAC power. I need to find out if this test system will require an NRTL certification in order to be installed in Torrance.

620 Do i need to get a permit to build a carport in the rear of my house that would measure approximately 6'h x 10'W x 25'L? What would a permit to build this carport cost me? Do i have to get a licensed contractor to build it for me or can i hire anyone? Would an inspector want to come and supervise the work? If so, would he also want to check the rest of my house and surrounding structures, even though he's just there for the building of the carport? Any information is appreciated. thanks

621 Is PEX (crosslinked polyethylene) an approved material to repipe a home?

622 The County put in a sewer line prior to Agoura Hills being incorporated. House laterals were put up to the property lines. A year ago we had a house built and they connected to the lateral. After a while, the sewage began to come up through the asphalt. It is claimed that the cause of sewer problem was the lateral was never hooked up to the main. 2 questions: 1. Why wouldn't the Contractor connect the lateral to the main? 2. How does the County handle claims like this?

623 What is the stair requirement for riser height and tread depth? Also, for the truss loading, is there a specific wind design method? What is the Exposure Category? Is there a Live Load (Ground or Roof psf)requirement? What is the wind velocity in Miles Per Hour?

624 What are the requirements of Title 24, as it concerns the probable increase in energy consumption, of a single story, single family dwelling that is opened to access a proposed permitted addition of a solarium, and what are the steps that the builder of the solarium is required to take in order to be in compliance with Title 24?

625 Where can I drop off my computer to be recycled?

626 I would like to upgrade my main electrical box and what upgrade is suitable for proper use.House was built in 1955

627 I am wanting to build on property that is 5 lots side by side and that are sub-sized. How do I reposition the property lines so instead of now having 5 lots there will be 4 lots that would be then sized to be able to build wider housing?

628 Does the County publish maps of return frequency for a variety of durations? Have regression equations been developed to include different factors such as elevation and area? I know that Sacramento County has developed these maps and equations to supercede TP-40 and NOAA Atlas 2 and was hoping that something similar had been created for your county.

629 What are the code requirements regarding fireplaces in new single family residential construction [already under permit]? In particular, I want to know requirements pertaining to screens on pre-fab gas log fireplaces as well as wood-burning masonry fireplaces, in a living room and/or master bedroom.

630 I live in the county section of Pasadena and my house is on a septic system. Most of the houses in this area have been connected to the main sewer that was installed a few years ago. What is the process for connecting my house to the main sewer line?

631 How can I get the L.A. River Master Plan plant palette without having to download the entire 16 MB Landscaping Guidelines? I have only a dial-up modem, which is too slow for such a big file.

632 How far in advance does the schedule show Household Hazardous/Electronic Waste events?

633 Do you offer any awards to businesses for their recycling efforts?

634 Please provide some direction with regard to requesting a Plot Plan Review. For what I believe is a Yard Modification request. I'm planning to build a retaining wall and a block wall, apparently there is an issue regarding the height of the wall.

635 I need to dispose of used cooking oil and grease. Where does it go?

636 I recently had a swimming pool installed by a licensed contractor. There is NOT a drain on the pool... in other words, too much water (either from rains or a leaky valve in the auto-fill) causes the pool to overflow. Are there any construction guidelines/requirements to install a working drain in the swimming pool? Thanks in advance for your help!

637 I have 1 1/4 acres 165' x 330'. Can I divide my property into two lots, say 65' x 330' and 100' x 330'? Can it be done administratively, by written explanation? What is involved and what would I need to do? Thank you.

638 How much is the Hydrology/Sedimentation Manual and how can I purchase a copy?

639 i'd like to find the beach bus schedule pick up spots and get offs please thnx

640 Is a permit required for a concrete driveway? What are the requirements for amount/depth of concrete, expansion joint distance per joint, and underlayments such as vapor barrier,ect? Thank you

641 For Hydrology calculations, would county approve of the use of HEC-HMS or only the MODRat?

642 How many gallons of water is represented by each "unit" on the water bill? Since I am moving to another state where I will be charged by the gallon I would like to get an idea of how much water I have been using.

643 My apartment building does not have a recycling program. Where is the nearest place to drop off recyclables?

644 I live in the City of Los Angeles and have a complaint regarding the amount of garbage kept on my neighbor's property. I am concerned about health hazards. Who can check on this property?

645 Why doesn't LADPW offer reduced rates to low-income customers?

646 Form to order a new tentative tract map number.

647 I know that in the past residence in areas not far from where I live have been compensated for having to put up with the disruptions of construction projects. I am wondering who to contact about a compensation for consideration of construction on my block (right out my window). I moved into my residence almost 4 years ago in a nice clean and quite neighborhood. Less than two months later a construction company started tearing down three buildings right next to me to build a larger condominium building. I hadn't lived there soon enough to fight the construction, and might not have, but the construction has gone on, and is still going on today. When I had moved in almost 4 years ago I had just purchased a new black car, and it has gotten dirty from the construction for almost 4 years. Other buildings the same size (at least 3 buildings) and much more elaborate have gone up around the block from this building in less than one year, and are already selling. My neighbors and I believe that this contractor owes us compensation for almost 4 years of construction for not having parking, for making our nice clean quite neighborhood look like a construction zone for so long. We pay high rent, but have to pay for on-street permit parking to which they have taken half of for all this time. The time that they have taken to build this building is unreasonable and we believe we should be compensated for the abuse of time and discern that they have shown all my neighbors and I, continually lying about when they will be done. Also in reading another persons question, and your reply of times they can work, they have blocked off our parking from m-sat 6am-6pm, and sometimes leaving there cones out blocking parking over the whole weekend (when there was no work being done on the parking area) were they allowed to do that. Any help that you can give me would be much appreciated.

648 What is the maximum slope allowed for a driveway. What is the minimum width allowed? What is the minimum radius allowed for the driveway approach? The lot is on a hillside.

649 We are having a serious problem with extremely high water pressure that's affecting about 15 homes at this point. The pressure is blowing anti-syphon valves & sprinkler heads. We need to get attention to this as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.

650 I'm trying to find the property use code, is this property solely a residential use, or mixed use/commercial use?

651 I need to post a Grading Permit Security, and would like to know to whom the Certificate of Deposit (CD) or Note should be payable: "Public Works, Los Angeles County"? Can I Have two CD's, similar to 50% Cash or Bond? How long should the CD be set up for?

652 My house and the house next door share the approach to our driveways which is also shared by a house in the canyon below us. We are aware that this situation was caused by a utility easement which the canyon house has used for many years. He is now trying to sell and is trying to get one or both of us to move our walls to give him a two lane driveway. He is a Real Estate attorney and is using scare tactics to try and convince us he has some right to our property. The Assessors map shows our lots meeting and does not display any information on this driveway. Does he have any right to make the easement area wider? Is there anywhere where this situation would have been documented when his house was built (approx 10 years after our houses)?

653 I would like copies of the building permit for the second home on the lot in question. In addition I would like a copy of the certificate of occupancy. I believe that the original address is 1832 E. 110th st, the second home on the lot has an address of 1834 E. 110th st. It was built last year (2004) around November. Question #1 Can I get these documents on line ? Question #2 If i can not get them on line, what specific office do i need to go to in order to get a copy of them. Question # 3 What is it going to cost me to get the documents? Question # 4 Can I get a copy or does the owner on title need to go in?

654 I own and live in a 4 unit building with a small front lawn. I currently do not have any parking on the property. I would like to pave part of the front lawn to create a parking area and would need to create an easement from the street onto the yard to do this. is this possible? if so, I expect I would need a permit to create an easement from street to parking. where would I obtain it?

655 I am having a contractor replace my central air conditioning system with a newer more efficient model. I am having the work done by Sears who contracted out the installation to a local licensed contractor. The contractor just recently installed the AC unit and I am concerned that the installation is not to code (which by contract they were required to do.) For example, the AC unit is placed directly in front of an electral junction box therefore blocking access to it. Where can I find the building code requirements/standards for AC installations. I am interested in setback requirements from house and/or clearances from electral equipment and support/foundation requirements for the AC unit itself and for the copper refrigerant lines. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

656 How do I obtain the current Gray book?

657 I am removing a wall in my bathroom to expand the shower as well as repositioning the drain valve. Also, I am creating a walk in closet. What, if any, permits would be required?

658 I need information on building a fence around the pool. Is it necessary if we don't have kids, nor do our surrounding homes have any kids? Will our existing fence be enough or would we need more? Do kids play a role in building a fence or not?

659 I am removing all of my existing stucco and lathing and having a contrator install new lathing and stucco. He says that I need to obtain a permit for this new stucco. What kind of permit do I need, and which office do I go to? Will an inspection be required?

660 I am in the process of preparing a grading plans for the project involving dining area addition to the existing restaurant. Where can I obtain general grading notes that typically goes on the first page/plan of the grading plans? Thank you.

661 Is the raised curb in the garage that the sill plate rests on required in new construction?

662 Do the Los Angeles County Waterworks Districts have a special rate for filling swimming pools?

663 This is a test question, please ignore. Thank you.

664 Do you accept old fire extinguishers (these are stored in my garage) at the hazardous waste collection location in Playa Del Rey?

665 Who can I refer citizens to when they are reporting a bee hive in a tree or building on County road right of way? Also, who can I refer them to if they live in County area and the bee hive is located on private property?

666 How do I obtain mosquito larvae eating fish?

667 Good Morning, I have been renting a house, in which, the garage was converted into a business, the owner got a letter which says that we have 30 days to move. What are my rights to evacuate this place?

668 How do I reach Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP)?

669 What does incorporated vs. unincorporated mean?

670 Where can I find Los Angeles County Class Specs?

671 Water services need to be installed in LA County Flood Control District's (LACFCD) easement. What LACFCD permits do I need to install these water services? The developer of this site has the necessary permits to connect to the proposed water services. Also how are these LACFCD permits obtained? Can you provide me with a contact?

672 Where and how can I dispose of an old TV so that it doesn't cause environmental damage? There is a lot of lead and plastics in these things that should be kept out of the water table. Does the city or county have any resources for environmentally sound disposal for TVs and computer monitors?

673 Do I need to apply for a permit if I am installing a new water heater?

674 I have oil that is mixed up with some water. Where can I dispose of it?

675 I was not able to retrieve historic runoff data for some of the stations listed on the website. How can I access to those gauging station historic data? For example for the station of F37B-R located at COMPTON CREEK near Greenleaf Drive?

676 What are the required processes to have a well on your property?

677 I have obtained a building permit for a project of mine. The project is not going to take place anymore. How do I obtain a refund for this permit.

678 Looking for a used computer or have one to donate?

679 We are installing groundwater monitoring wells under an RWQCB approved workplan. Do we need to obtain well permits from LA County? If so where can I get the forms online and what fees are involved?

680 Do you have daily mean streamflow data for F38C-R Ballona Creek above Sawtelle from 1967 to the present? If so, how may I get a hold of it? Also, do you have suspended sediment data for the same period of time?

681 To Whom It May Concern: We are currently undergoing a remodel and have caught the painter dumping water/paint in our yard. We have asked him not to do this and have recently discovered he is dumping it in the neighbor's yard. We have told the general contractor about it repeatedly but he ignores our concerns. Now our orange tree leaves are curling up. We are at a loss as to what to do about it. We have told the contractor that we do not want the painter (who is not licensed) working on our property but, again, the contractor ignores us. We feel it is very serious and worry about the environmental impact of this. Lately, he has been dumping watered paint into the parkway between the sidewalk and the street. What can we do about this? A quick reply would be greatly appreciated, Fred and Kelly McCullen

682 Where can I find the names of Director and Deputy Directors of the L.A. County Department of Public Works?


684 We are doing hydrology study for an area in the City of Santa clarita, LA county. Does the county prefer to use a specific method, such as Rainfall-runoff method (HEC-1/HEC-HMS)and Modified Rational Method, over others. Also where can I get a software for Modified Rational Method (MORA)? Thank you

685 Is moldy food, which is recognizable, all right to use in the compost bin?

686 Where can I find the for the City of Los Angeles Department of City Planning Subdivider's Statement Application form?

687 Where can I find information about the surplus land parcels and other properties you have available for sale?

688 What is Conservation Usage and how is it determined?

689 Green recycle bins for garden waste are not available in where I live. I compost garden/kitchen waste at my backyard, but there're more wastes than our compost bin can contain..... Is there anywhere in Long Beach area that I can take those garden waste in regular base?

690 I was wondering about the maintenance of a County Facility. Does Public Works maintain County buildings?

691 Where can I find forms for Regional Planning?

692 What is the web site that can give me the annual "Debris Basin Debris Production Report" by Debris basin in LA County? Thakns You

693 Does the Antelope Valley Environmental Collection Center (AVECC) accept small (e.g., residential barbecue) propane tanks?

694 I would like spanish posters please In spanish the poster read:Good Cleaning Practices,Managing Fats,Oil and Grease, The right way and the wrong way I need them in Spanish only

695 How can I donate good cans of paint?

696 How can I have a dead animal removed from the road in the City of L.A.?

697 Does anyone offer seminars on the LAR04 / F0601 programs? If so, who is the contact for the information where/when the seminars or instructional classes are being held?

698 Does the Public Works manage auctions on foreclosed properties? On the Public Works site, how is the real property obtained by Public Works for the auction?


700 Is there a way through the website to access real time water flow information for Malibu Creek or other streams where the DPW has gauge stations? Thanks, George Fitz

701 There are no wheelchair access ramps on a sidewalk in my unincorporated city within the County of Los Angeles. Whom do I speak with in order to have an access ramp installed?

702 I have just received a faxed copy of EMC 82-8. I'm grateful to have received it. I suspect it is not the only section I need. Unless there is a copyright issue (very doubtful), it would be extremely helpful to have the entire Electrical Code Manual available online.

703 I could not find the phone number for the record of survey and survey records public counter

704 Whom do I contact with freeway questions? Are there plans to add a carpool lane on the Santa Monica Freeway east from Lincoln to Downtown and West from Downtown to Santa Monica? what is the target date for completing the freeway work on the 60 West/East and 57 junction?

705 How can I stop unsolicited faxes?

706 Who do I contact about requesting a refund for a cash deposit made on tax bond?

707 Who do I contact in order to remove a beehive?

708 What are the allowed hours and days of construction permitted so as not to disturb the neighborhood? A house demolition and re-building project is taking place in my neighborhood and work goes on into the late night hours and on weekends. We need to know if perhaps there may be a violation. We are interested in maintaining good relationships with the owners but are now lacking sleep! Thank you.

709 What is Values Management?

710 Graffiti reported via the hotline has a 48 hour removal goal. what is the goal for graffiti reported by FAX?

711 I would like to put up a 4-ft garden wall using keystone retaining wall system in front of my home I have a slope of 4ft in 15ft and would do 2 part step up of 2ft4ft flat and then 2ft will I need a permit

712 Is it possible to use A1 zoning vacant land as a parking lot or Annex bldg for adjacent (appx.1,500ft away) church?

713 How can I get a permit to remove an OAK TREE in my front yard which has it's root cracking my front yard and possibly damaging base of my house.

714 What can I do about towing away cars that have not been moved for over 48 hours? There is a vehicle parked in front of my house without license plates that has not been moved for days.

715 We have a condo. The association had new roofs installed and said if we were considering skylights we should have it done now. Several of us made a quick decision and used the suggested contractor to install several Solatubes and one skylight (in garage). We assumed the contractor was taking care of permits. Are there any codes for skylights ? What permits, if any, are required ?

716 What is the difference between MODRAT and MORA and if not significant difference, Does LADPW will take analysis from MORA?

717 I have used motor oil in 2 big paint buckets. A little bit of paint may have gotten mixed in with the used motor oil. Can I still bring them into a recycling center?

718 I recently got married, what are all the steps and what is needed to change my name here at DPW?

719 I want to widden my driveway by 18 inches and need to determine if I need a permit to change the curb cut for the driveway. If I need to contact another office, please advise me, Thank you for your assistance.

720 I need an application for water service. Where can I find it?

721 How do I remove items I have posted that are no longer available?

722 Before starting a hydrology study on the site indicated above I wanted to know what methods and programs the County of Los Angeles recognized. More directly does the county accept the hydrology study to be done by the AES program?

723 A constituent called our office re: a couch that her neighbor has placed in the driveway. Are there any ordinances regarding placing your own furniture in your own driveway?

724 1) Are the design guidelines for the preparation of engineering plans for street design/ improvements available on-line?. Where can I find them? 2) Do you have a Flow Chart that will depict the street improvement approval process and all the department, divisions and agencies involved? Thank you.

725 Where are recycling drop off sites for cans, bottles, and other recyclables?

726 How can I stop junk mail?

727 What are the necessary steps required to get issued a Tract No. for this location?

728 Requesting contact information on Cellular License Agreement (Parks and Golf Course) between County of Los Angeles and Wireless Carriers. Requesting contact information for the County personnel involved in licensing and preparing final documentation to be signed by Chairman, Board of Supervisors.

729 What steps are needed to purchase realestate through the county. I am a general contractor and would like to build low income homes. Please provide information regarding land purchase. Thank You, David Camalcih

730 Where can a dispose tree clippings?

731 the LACPW Hydrology Manual (page 143) references excel files for rational method calculations (TC_calc_vol.xls...). I was not able to find them on this site, even through search options. Are these still available? can you e-mail them? Thank You

732 I am looking for a list of RV sewer disposal sites on the west side of Los Angeles. Thanks Tom Michel

733 Property APN 2055004900 When is this surplus property up for auction?

734 How can I obtain a Flood Zone determination for my property in the County's unincorporated area?

735 If I see a dead animal on the road, who can I call to have it picked up? I know the number to call within the City of LA, but what about outside the City of LA, but within the County of LA? Please provide any details available, such as how long it will take to pick-up, etc.

736 I live within the City of Los Angeles. Who can I contact to repair the sidewalk damage caused by a tree in front of my residence.

737 You tell us to recycle our junk mail, but where can I take it to be recycled? I live in Arcadia. Thank you. And by the way, I looked at all the links you provide on this site and others, and I did NOT see any place that will accept "Junk Mail".

738 what properties are available in any district to purchase by paying off the tax debt of the properties?

739 I am trying to develop a system for a mobile car wash. I have a filter system installed. Once the water goes through the system, can i get a permit to discharge this into the storm sewer? Or, once it is filtered, can I get a permit to dump the water in the sanitary sewer on the site that I am using the equipment. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

740 I would like to know what details for bidding are available. I registered today; confirmation# 3220. Could someone please forward to me instructions, details, rules pertaining to bidding processes, to include minimums if applicable and time table(s). Thank you for your attention.

741 Would you please let me know, when you are going to sell the properties that you have in your inventory. Tahnk you Fred T.

742 I want to start a yoga studio in the Los Angeles area. I wanted to know if there were any parking requirements required?

743 Who can appeal a traffic control request to the Highway Safety Commission?

744 Is the HSC decision the final decision regarding an appeal?

745 Who are the members of the HSC and how many members are there?

746 What Parliamentary Procedure does the HSC follow?

747 When are the HSC appeals heard?

748 Where are the HSC meetings held?

749 Is there a way that I can get a Certificate of Correction emailed to me or the website where it can be located.

750 Can you please tell me what are the submittal requirements for Grading Plan check. i.e, number of plan copies, plan fees, application's, reports, etc.

751 for the surplus property auction do i have to put any deposit down to participate, if so how much

752 Hello, I work for an non-profit benefit corporation, Operation Reach. It is my understanding that some surplus property is auctioned off to the public without price control, and that other property is auctioned off to agencies providing free public services to senior citizens, veterans, homeless and low-income individuals at a reduction in price, and in some cases, at no cost at all. Would you advise if the property listed above or any other property in Los Angeles has the potential of being purchased by an agency such as Operation Reach at a reduced rate or as a closed-auction purchase. Thank you, Erica Cowart

753 Is it illegal to put a microwave in the trash or business dumpster? If so, what is the law?

754 I have hillside property that requires brush clearance every year. I need road access to my hillside to clear the brush, as it endangers human lives every year to comply with local brush clearing regulations. There is public land that is blocking road access to my hillside. How can I purchase this land so that I can have access to my hillside property? Please advise. Thank you.

755 Where can I recycle styrofoam packing pellets?

756 We are a real estate development company and are interested in these surplus properties: Agoura Hills -vacant land on Lewis Road south of Driver Agoura Hills -vacant land at southeast corner of Driver Ave. and Lewis Alta Dene Area -vacant land west of Rubio Diversion between Porter an Crest Los Angeles -vacant land between Brand and Chatsworth Santa Clarita -lot with dingle family home at 22522 14th st. northwest corner of 14th and Spruce Sierra Madre -vacant land along Auburn Debris Basin Unincorporated- Val Verde -vacant land adjacent to Lincoln cor San Martinez, Val Verde Please send us more information and the price ranges you are looking for. Thank you. -David Cotton 310-556-2400

757 Can I drop off my 60" projection tv at an HHW Roundup?

758 Where can a mobile car wash business recycle waste water?

759 Would it be possible to provide me with a web link or address of where to find when a Tract was recorded. Thanks! Josie

760 We have large cardboard boxes that a suana and grill came in that need to be disposed. Pluse other cardboard material. Do you know how someone takes care of this?

761 Dear Sir/Madam, How to start the bottle recycling business in LA county?? Where can I get those information or license?? Thank you for your attention. Winnie

762 Phonograph records--vinyl longplay musical recordings--are these recyclable? I have lots and lots of these. Can these go into the blue bin? If you cannot answer, is there another website to which you can refer me? Thanks George Stavros

763 Why doesn't the County post all their Standard Plans on-line? The City does, and it is very useful.

764 I live in an apartment building in the city of Los Angeles with no recycling containers/pickup. This whole area is full of apartment buildings and I don't think any of them have recycling bins/pick up. What a waste. Most of these buildings have the trash bins in locked garages so theft wouldn't be an issue with recycling bins. Can you help or direct me to who can?

765 Who is responsible for sewer repairs?

766 How do I find out where the problem is?

767 How do I proceed with a sewer lateral problem?

768 How can I avoid damage to other utilities?

769 What permits are required for repairs in a street?

770 What if a County tree is growing over my sewer lateral?

771 Where can I recycle wood, PVC pipes, and other types of construction materials?

772 What is a modern roundabout?

773 What is the scope of this project?

774 What are the advantages of installing a modern roundabout?

775 When will construction be completed?

776 What is the cost of this project? How is it funded?

777 Hi - Do you know of any recycling center in great LA that takes CD jewel cases (the clear plastic ones)? I have about 300 and I called my local hauler - Athens Svcs - and they will not recycle them if I put them in the blue bin.... Thanks, Julia

778 Hello, I have a bunch of old videotapes that I'm getting rid of, and I'd hate to just throw them in the trash! Is there anywhere you know of that recycles them? I've been searching for a while on my own and I can't seem to find any! Thanks, Marissa

779 What is the difference between "Strategic Priority Areas" and "Strategic Focus?"

780 Where can I find list of landfills, transfer stations, and material recovery facilities (MRFs?

781 Can you please send me the URL where I can find Standard Specifications for Public works construction 2-5,2-6 ETC Thank you

782 Do you trim trees on private land and what is the cost?

783 How do I obtain Sewer Maintenance Disvision index maps for the sewer in a project area? Are these available online?

784 Please forward me a copy of Land development fee schedule. I am trying to find out, what entails in processing final map of proposed 6 single family subdivision. Thanks.

785 The Request for Proposals Tasks T1.1 and T1.2 require the collection and reporting of nonpavement needs. The background statement provides some guidance as to a definition of the nonpavement needs. Is there any additional guidance?

786 Do the nonpavement needs include capital needs as well as maintenance needs?

787 A number of tasks (T2.1, T2.2 and T3.4) refer to regions. Have these regions been defined? Have the number of regions to be used been defined?

788 The cover letter has a two-page maximum limit - are there page limits for the other sections of the proposal?

789 Is there a required format for the cost proposal?

790 On the Form - Proposer's Organization Questionnaire/Affidavit - What is the County WebVen Number?

791 Insurance - our general liability limits are $1 million/occurrence and $2 million aggregate. However, our umbrella insurance limit is $5 million - is this acceptable since the contract indicates that the aggregate should be $3 million?

792 Task 6.1 - indicates that both pavement and nonpavement needs for local streets and roads are to be determined as of July 1, 2007. Since the project is not scheduled to begin until Spring 2008, we would anticipate that many agencies will have data that will be more recent than July 1, 2007, and therefore any needs assessment could be based on this post July 2007 data. Is there a reason why July 1, 2007, is preferred?

793 Page 16 - Item 1 (format of proposal) - is an electronic copy of the proposal to be included as well as the 15 hard copies?

794 I want the list of tax delinquent properties in LA County

795 I need to schedule a water audit for our campus. Thank you

796 When was the original Road Department established? Thanks.

797 We are designing a commercial kitchen for the Army Corp which will have a LA County approved grease trap (2,000 gallons). Right now we have the dishwasher and garbage disposal connected to the grease trap. Is this arrangement allowed?

798 In dealing with the SUSMP, we have a depressed loading dock catch basin. Most of the loading dock is under a roof, but approximately 1000 SF of the loading dock is not covered and stormwater drains into the loading dock catch basin. This catch basin drains through a 4" PVC pipe to an oil/water separator inside the building. From the oil/water separator, the storm water from the loading dock is connected to the sanitary sewer system and runs gravity sewer to a Culver City lift station which pumps sewerage to the City of Los Angeles NOS sewer. Do we need a permit from the county to get permission to have the loading dock drain to the sanitary sewer?

799 3128 Griffin Ave, Los Angeles CA 90031,this property has been abandon and has a burned house, & I am interested in purchasing this property to built a single family home where the burned home once stood. Would you have any information about this property in regards to who is the owner and how we go about purchasing this property?

800 I recently read on your website about the San Gabriel River Master Plan ( and was wondering if this actual project had been implemented? If so, what have the financial costs benn and what part of the San Gabriel River would be affected? Thank you
