Marina del Rey Community Outreach
(Current as of 4/14/16)
MdR Website Launched on 3/1/12 (
Overall MdR Infrastructure Program Update:
12/12/11 - Convention & Visitors Bureau meeting to discuss communication and coordination for community impact during construction
1/11/12 - Lessee's Association Board Meeting to discuss the overall MdR Infrastructure Program
4/11/12 - Small Craft Harbor Commission Presentation to the Board & Public to discuss the overall MdR Infrastructure Program
8/15/12 - LAX Coastal Area Chamber of Commerce Meeting (Marina Affairs Committee) to discuss overall MdR Infrastructure Program and Settlement Project impacts to community
9/17/14 - Design Control Board Meeting to provide the Board and Public with an update on completed projects, projects currently under construction, and future projects within the MdR Infrastructure Program
12/9/15 - Lessee's Association Board Meeting to discuss the overall MdR Infrastructure Program
Admiralty Way Street Improvement Project:
3/21/12 - Design Control Board Meeting to provide Board and Public with the proposed landscape median plant palette, tree matrix, and hardscape concept for their feedback
4/18/12 - Design Control Board Follow-Up Landscaping Workshop to provide Board and Public with changes to design after DCB's input previous month
12/19/12 - Design Control Board Meeting to be transparent with the Board and Public regarding the change from non-native to native tree replacement as a result of Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) approval by Board of Supervisors (BOS) on 10/30/12
4/10/13 - Lessee's Association Board Meeting to discuss community impacts during construction
7/16/13 - Evening Design Control Board Meeting to provide Board & Public with a "big picture" image by presenting all road projects together
9/19/13 - Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors Meeting to discuss construction progress and community impacts during construction
Admiralty Way Settlement Repair Project:
5/15/12 - Meeting with Beaches & Harbors to discuss project scope and traffic impacts to community
5/22/12 - Meeting with Fanta Sea Yachts Lessee, Marina City Club General Manager & Lessee, and Ritz-Carlton Lessee to discuss traffic and access issues during construction activities
6/14/12 - Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors Meeting to discuss community impacts during construction
6/20/12 - Design Control Board Presentation to the Board & Public to discuss community impacts during construction
7/11/12 - Lessee's Association Board Meeting to discuss community impacts during construction
8/8/12 - Small Craft Harbor Commission Presentation to the Board & Public to discuss community impacts during construction
8/15/12 - LAX Coastal Area Chamber of Commerce Meeting (Marina Affairs Committee) to discuss overall MdR Infrastructure Program and Settlement Project impacts to community during construction
9/20/12 - Association of Santa Monica Area Yacht Clubs Presentation to members to discuss community impacts during construction
9/25/12 - Public Outreach Meeting to discuss detour & construction impacts with the Community
11/1/12 - Meeting with Marina City Club, BOS Field Deputies, DBH Representatives, and DPW Designers to discuss Marina City Club's concerns regarding the Admiralty Way Settlement Repair Project.
Oxford Retention Basin Enhancement Project:
7/1/07 - Small Craft Harbor Commission presentation to the Board and Public to discuss project design
7/19/07 - Design Control Board presentation to the Board and Public to discuss project status and aesthetics
11/1/07 - Ballona Creek Task Force presentation to discuss project design
11/1/07 - Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission presentation to discuss project design
9/23/09 - Public Meeting presentation by Supervisorial District 4, Dept of Beaches & Harbors, and Dept of Public Works to provide project details to the Public
6/3/10 - Regional Water Quality Control Board presentation to discuss project design
8/11/10 - Small Craft Harbor Commission presentation to the Board and Public to discuss overall MdR Infrastructure Program and Oxford Basin Project impacts to community
8/18/10 - Design Control Board presentation to the Board and Public to discuss overall MdR Infrastructure Program and Oxford Basin Project impacts to community
8/11/11 - Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors presentation to discuss project status
11/22/11 - Santa Monica Bay Restoration Commission presentation to the Board and Public to discuss project design for grant application
1/17/12 - Ballona Creek Task Force presentation to discuss project design
3/14/12 - Lessee's Association Meeting to discuss project status
4/12/12 - Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors presentation to discuss project status
9/12/12 - Small Craft Harbor Commission presentation to the Board and the Public to discuss project status
9/19/12 - Evening Design Control Board presentation to the Board and the Public to discuss project status and aesthetics
10/10/12 - Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) South Bay presentation to the Board and the Public to discuss project status
1/22/13 - Venice Neighborhood Council presentation to the Board and the Public to discuss project status
1/24/13 - Southern California Wetlands Restoration Project presentation to the Board and the Public to discuss project status
3/20/13 - Design Control Board presentation to the Board and the Public to get approval on the aesthetic features of the project. Received DCB Approval DCB#13-003.
4/10/13 - Lessee's Association Presentation to discuss project status & developments
5/15/13 - Postal mailer sent out to approximately 20,000 addresses
5/29/13 - Oxford MND Public Meeting presentation to discuss project and environmental document
7/16/13 - Ballona Creek Task Force presentation to discuss project and provide update
12/3/13 - LA County Board of Supervisors public hearing to approve Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND)
12/12/13 - Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors Meeting to provide update on project status
6/13/14 - California Coastal Commission Hearing to provide the Board and Public with project information and to answer any questions. Received Coastal Development Permit.
9/10/14 - Small Craft Harbor Commission Presentation to the Board and the Public to provide an update on the project status
12/17/14 - Meeting with Friends of Oxford Lagoon to discuss tree removal concerns
12/22/14 - Follow-up to previous meeting with Friends of Oxford Lagoon
1/9/15 - Project status update given by DPW at Coastal Commission Hearing
4/11/15 & 4/12/15 - Information table at the Marina del Rey 50th Anniversary
12/9/15 - Lessee's Association Board Meeting to discuss the overall MdR Infrastructure Program, including Oxford Basin Project status
Via Marina Street Improvement Project:
5/15/13 - Design Control Board Meeting to provide Board and Public with the proposed landscaped median plant palette, tree matrix, and hardscape concept for their feedback
7/16/13 - Evening Design Control Board Meeting to provide Board & Public with a "big picture" image by presenting all road projects together
Fiji Way Roadway Improvement Project:
5/15/13 - Design Control Board Meeting to provide Board and Public with the proposed landscaped median plant palette, tree matrix, and hardscape concept for their feedback
7/16/13 - Evening Design Control Board Meeting to provide Board & Public with a "big picture" image by presenting all road projects together
Admiralty Way @ Via Marina Roadway Project:
9/11/13 - Department of Regional Planning Meeting to discuss how this project relates to their MdR Visioning Process
18-Inch Water Line Replacement Phase IIIB Project:
6/11/14 - Small Craft Harbor Commission Presentation to the Board and the Public to discuss project status and upcoming construction impacts
6/11/14 - Lessee's Association Meeting to discuss project status and upcoming construction impacts
6/18/14 - Design Control Board Presentation to the Board and the Public to discuss project status and upcoming construction impacts
12/9/15 - Lessee's Association Board Meeting to discuss the overall MdR Infrastructure Program, including waterline repair status
1/13/16 - Lessee's Association Meeting to discuss project status and upcoming construction impacts
Boathouse Project
3/18/15 - Design Control Board Presentation to the Board and the Public to seek approval for the landscaping design
Yvonne Burke Park Improvements
3/18/15 - Design Control Board Presentation to the Board and the Public to seek approval for the landscaping design
Marina Beach Improvements Project
2/17/16 - Design Control Board Presentation to the Board and the Public to seek final approval for the aesthetics, colors and materials (Received DCB Approval #15-011-B)
Via Marina South of Old Harbor Lane - Guardrail:
4/13/16 - Small Craft Harbor Commission meeting to discuss Via Marina Project Coordination with the Board and Public, which included a brief project description and impacts associated with the Guardrail project
Via Marina Project Coordination:
4/13/16 - Small Craft Harbor Commission meeting to provide Board & Public with an understanding of the upcoming private development projects & LA City's Venice Dual Force Main Project and how they are being carefully coordinated to minimize traffic impacts