What is a Parkway Tree?
A parkway tree is a tree that is typically planted by Public Works or a developer who built the home or building, adjacent to the edge of roadway within the County’s right of way. Los Angeles County cares for and maintains over 170,000 parkway trees located throughout the County’s unincorporated area along more than 3,200 miles of roadways.
Tree Services Locator
Public Works strives to maintain healthy parkway trees along with providing safe travel for motorists and cyclists on County roadways and safe access for pedestrians on County sidewalks.
Tree Planting Request Form
Public Works encourages resident participation in the expansion and renewal of our urban forest. In order to ensure the proper species selection, planting and sustainability of the new tree, we require that all planting be coordinated with the appropriate Road Maintenance District Urban Forestry Unit.
Road Encroachment Permit
With a permit from Public Works, you can also plant a tree in the parkway if you are the owner of the property adjacent to the parkway. Please apply for a Road Encroachment Permit to plant a tree.
Benefits of having a tree on your street
Los Angeles County strives to create a thriving, sustainable urban forest that safely enhances the health and well-being of its communities. Parkway trees are an essential element of healthy, livable neighborhoods and are a significant part of the County’s urban forest.
Cleaner Air
Reduced Noise Pollution
Cooler Streets
Reduced Health Risks
Save Energy
Parkway Trees Gallery

Sustainable Urban Forest
Creating a sustainable urban forest is only possible through a collaborative partnership with the communities the County serves. Here’s how you can help:
- If you do not have a tree planted in the parkway in front of your home, request Public Works to plant one. To initiate the process, please visit the Tree Planting page located on this website.
- Water the parkway tree in front of your home.
- Report concerns to Public Works about dead or dying parkway trees.
Contact Us
The Department of Public Works provides services to the unincorporated communities of Los Angeles County. Use the Tree Services Locator to determine if the area is maintained by LA County Public Works. To submit tree related requests online or via your iPhone, please visit the following links:
For urgent matters such as a fallen limb or tree, please call 1-800-675-HELP(4357).
Online through the Tree trimming Request form. The Department will contact you within 2 business days regarding your concern.
The Works mobile app for your iPhone or Android device. A one-stop solution for County residents to report and track service requests.