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108th Street, et al. Roadway resurfacing; Reconstruction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, curb ramps, cross gutters, and alley intersections; installation of striping and pavement markings; modification of traffic signals; replace 24-inch CMP, and the performance of other appurtenant work. Total bike facilities of 1.75 mile(s).
- Western Avenue (120th Street/El Segundo Boulevard) - Bike Route - 0.52 Mi
- Western Avenue (104th Street/Imperial Hwy) - Bike Lanes - 0.75 Mi
- Western Avenue (Imperial Hwy/120th St) - Bike Lanes - 0.48 Mi
124th Street, et al. reconstruction of roadway pavement using cold central plant recycled asphalt concrete pavement; construction of sidewalk, driveways, curb and gutter, curb ramps, and cross gutters; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work . Total bike facilities of 2.96 mile(s).
- 120th Street/119th Street (Wilmington Avenue/Mona Boulevard) - Bike Route - 0.56 Mi
- 124th Street (Slater Avenue/Alameda Street) - Bike Route - 1.47 Mi
- Slater Avenue (120th Street/El Segundo Boulevard) - Bike Route - 0.54 Mi
- Success Avenue (Imperial Highway/120th Street) - Bike Route - 0.39 Mi
Amar Rd Complete Street Project Develop Amar Road into a complete street by installing new curb ramps and curb ramp extensions; build new sidewalks, renovate existing medians/service islands and install new raised medians; resurface the road and install new bicycle lanes and crosswalk striping; and install wayfinding signages and monument signs. . Total bike facilities of 2.00 mile(s).
- Amar Road (Willow Avenue/N. Unruh Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 1.45 Mi
- Amar Road (Feather Avenue/N. Puente Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 0.55 Mi
Bike Path Pavement Rehabilitation-Admiralty Way Bike Path Rehabilitation. Total bike facilities of 1.02 mile(s).
- Marvin Braude Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.29 Mi
- Marvin Braude Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.73 Mi
Budlong Avenue - Manchester Avenue to El Segundo Boulevard Construction of asphalt concrete pavement on base material, sidewalk, curb ramps, and drainage structures; reconstruction of curb, gutter, and driveways; modification of traffic signals; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work.
- Budlong Avenue (Manchester Avenue/El Segundo Boulevard) - Bike Boulevard - 3.04 Mi
Castaic/Val Verde - Sloan Canyon Road - Quail Valley Road to The Old Road Cold mill existing AC and repave to extend life of roadway and improve rideability.
- Sloan Canyon Road (Quail Valley Road/The Old Road) - Bike Lanes - 0.72 Mi
Castlegate Avenue, et al. (JOC) Chip sealing, slurry sealing, microsurfacing, and micro-milling of existing pavement; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work.
- Victoria Street (Santa Fe Ave/S. Susana Road) - Bike Lanes - 0.47 Mi
Charter Oak Bikeway Access Improvements Construction of curb and gutter, asphalt concrete pavement on base material, and river rock; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work.
- Arrow Highway (Glendora Avenue/Valley Center Blvd) - Bike Lanes - 1.50 Mi
Colima Rd - City of Whittier Boundary to Fullerton Rd Pavement preservation, road widening, new bike lanes, traffic signal upgrades, landscaping and roadway improvements. Total bike facilities of 3.50 mile(s).
- Colima Rd (Casino Dr/Allenton Ave) - Bike Lanes - 1.20 Mi
- Colima Rd (Larkvane Rd/Fullerton Rd) - Bike Lanes - 0.23 Mi
- Colima Rd (Fullerton Rd/Brea Canyon Cut Off Rd) - Bike Lanes - 2.07 Mi
Colima Road - La Mirada Boulevard to Leffingwell Road resurfacing of roadway pavement; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work . Total bike facilities of 1.43 mile(s).
- Colima Rd (La Mirada Blvd/Poulter Dr) - Bike Route - 1.15 Mi
- Colima Rd (Poulter Dr/Leffingwell Dr) - Bike Lanes - 0.28 Mi
Compton Creek - Artesia Blvd Connection construct bike paths along Santa Fe Avenue. Total bike facilities of 0.17 mile(s).
- Compton Creek Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.08 Mi
- Compton Creek Cycletrack (Compton Creek/Artesia Blvd) - Separated Bikeway - 0.08 Mi
Dockweiler RV Park Bicycle Path Bypass-Grant No.58L6-14-2427 Construction of a concrete pavement on base material and stabilization geotextile and asphalt concrete pavement on base material; and the performance of other appurtenant work. Total bike facilities of 0.22 mile(s).
- Marine Avenue (Marvin Braude Bike Path/Vista Del Mar) - Bike Route - 0.15 Mi
- Marvin Braude Bike Path (RV Park/Marine Avenue) - Bike Path - 0.07 Mi
Dominguez Channel Greenway Northern Gap Closure-Bike Path (MM4602.05) Bike path. Total bike facilities of 3.53 mile(s).
- Dominguez Channel Proposed Bicy (Redondo Beach Blvd/Cherry Avenue) - Bike Path - 0.33 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.31 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.06 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.52 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.02 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.31 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.01 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.48 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.49 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.00 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.20 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.01 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.16 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.12 Mi
- Laguna Dominguez Bike Path - Bike Path - 0.49 Mi
E Pasadena and E San Gabriel Bikeway Access Improvements Installation of Class II bike lanes along Colorado Blvd, San Pasqual St, and Rosemead Blvd. and enhanced Class III bike routes along Del Mar Blvd, Ardendale Ave, Longden Ave, and Madre St/Muscatel Ave.
. Total bike facilities of 5.17 mile(s).
- Ardendale Avenue (Eaton Wash/Golden West Ave) - Bike Route - 0.79 Mi
- Colorado Blvd (Kinneloa Ave (Eaton Wash)/Michillinda Ave) - Bike Lanes - 1.14 Mi
- Del Mar Blvd (Madre St/Rosemead Ave) - Bike Route - 0.47 Mi
- Longden Ave (San Gabriel Blvd/Burton Ave) - Bike Route - 0.56 Mi
- Madre Street/ Muscatel Avenue (San Pasqual Street/Longden Avenue) - Bike Route - 1.74 Mi
- San Pasqual St (Madre St/Rosemead Blvd) - Bike Lanes - 0.47 Mi
East Los Angeles Community Safe Routes to School Bike boulevard and bike route. Total bike facilities of 1.91 mile(s).
- 6th Street (Arizona Ave/Woods Ave) - Bike Route - 0.50 Mi
- Hubbard Street (Ford Blvd/Hay Ave) - Bike Boulevard - 1.41 Mi
Eastside Light Rail Bike Interface Construction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, permeable pavers, river rock paving, and drainage structures; installation of traffic signals and striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. Total bike facilities of 6.38 mile(s).
- Ford Boulevard (3rd Street/Olympic Blvd) - Bike Route - 1.01 Mi
- Ford Boulevard (Floral Drive/1st Street) - Bike Route - 0.50 Mi
- Mednik Avenue/Arizona Avenue (Floral Drive/Telegraph Road) - Bike Lanes - 2.06 Mi
- Rowan Avenue (Floral Avenue/3rd Ave) - Bike Boulevard - 0.68 Mi
- Rowan Avenue (3rd Avenue/Whittier Blvd) - Bike Boulevard - 0.65 Mi
- Woods Avenue (1st Avenue/Olympic Boulevard) - Bike Boulevard - 1.47 Mi
Eaton Wash Bike Path - Phase 1 The project consists of constructing 1.1 miles of class I bike path within Los Angeles Flood Control District (LAFCD) right-of-way along the westerly access road of Eaton Wash Channel between Rosemead Boulevard and Longden Avenue, and 0.2 miles of class III bike route along Muscatel Avenue between Las Tunas Drives and Elm Avenue in the cities of San Gabriel and Temple City. The project will include six segments separated by at grade cross streets. .
- Eaton Wash Bicycle Trail (Longden Avenue/Rosemead Boulevard) - Bike Path - 1.38 Mi
El Segundo Boulevard - Avalon Boulevard to Central Avenue, et al. Cold-in-place recycling of existing asphalt concrete pavement; resurfacing of the roadway with asphalt rubber hot mix; reconstruction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, and curb ramps; construction of bioswales; installation of striping and pavment markings; landscaping; and the performance of other appurtenant work. Total bike facilities of 1.51 mile(s).
- El Segundo Boulevard (Central Avenue/Avalon Blvd) - Bike Lanes - 0.62 Mi
- El Segundo Boulevard (Wilmington Avenue/Alameda Street) - Bike Lanes - 0.89 Mi
Emerald Necklace Bike Trail Construction of an asphalt concrete on base material, application of quick-set emulsion aggregate slurry, installation of striping and pavement marking; and the performance of other appurtenance.
- Santa Fe Spur Bike Path (0.3 mi S/o Duarte Road/San Gabriel River Bike Path) - Bike Path - 1.10 Mi
Firestone Boulevard - Central Avenue/Graham Avenue, et al. Resurfacing of roadway pavement; construction of an asphalt rubber and aggregate membrane interlayer; reconstruction of medians, curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, and curb ramps; installation of striping and pavement markings; traffic signal modifications; and the performance of other appurtenant work. Total bike facilities of 5.52 mile(s).
- 120th Street (Western Avenue/Vermont Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 0.99 Mi
- 120th Street (Felton Ave/Inglewood Ave) - Bike Route - 0.23 Mi
- Firestone Boulevard (Central Ave/Alameda St) - Bike Lanes - 1.41 Mi
- Firestone Boulevard (Central Ave/Alameda St) - Bike Lanes - 0.14 Mi
- Hooper Avenue (Slauson Avenue/Firestone Blvd) - Bike Lanes - 2.05 Mi
- Hooper Avenue (Firestone Blvd/95th Street) - Bike Lanes - 0.68 Mi
Florence Metro Blue Line Station Bikeway Access Improvements Improve bicycle access to the Florence Metro Blue Line Station along Miramonte Boulevard, Maie Avenue, 68th Street and Crockett Boulevard in the Florence-Firestone community. . Total bike facilities of 3.06 mile(s).
- Crockett Boulevard (76th Place/Nadeau St) - Bike Lanes - 0.30 Mi
- Crockett Boulevard (Nadeau St/83rd Place) - Bike Route - 0.25 Mi
- Maie Avenue (Florence Avenue/92nd Street) - Bike Boulevard - 1.50 Mi
- Miramonte Boulevard (Slauson Avenue/Florence Avenue) - Bike Boulevard - 1.00 Mi
Florence Neighborhood Mobility (AHSC) Project will provide various improvements including upgraded curb ramps, curb extensions (bulb-outs), new and improved site furnishings, traffic signal upgrades with new pedestrian features, new bike route, and planting drought-tolerant trees in the unincorporated community of Florence-Firestone in the City of Los Angeles.
- 68th Street (Central Avenue/Compton Avenue) - Bike Boulevard - 0.50 Mi
Gorman Post Road, et al. - Phase 2 Reconstruction & resurfacing of roadway pavement with asphalt concrete, asphalt rubber & aggregate membrane, & asphalt rubber hot-mix with a warm mix additive; construction of concrete bus pads, sidewalk, & curb; reconstruction of curb & gutter; modification of traffic signals; installation of rubber sidewalk pavers & striping & pavement markings; & the performance of other appurtenant work.
- The Old Road (Stevenson Ranch Parkway/Sagecrest Circle South) - Bike Lanes - 1.77 Mi
Hazard Av et al Improve 1.51 miles along Hazard Avenue and Blanchard St. Work includes reconstruction of roadway, curb and gutter, curb ramps, cross gutters, sidewalk, driveways and bus pads.
- Hazard Avenue (City Terrace Dr/Folsom Street) - Bike Route - 0.73 Mi
Holmes Ave -Slauson Ave/Gage Ave Traffic Calming -reducing the number of existing travel lanes from two to one in each direction in order to accommodate a continuous two-way left turn lane and bike lane.
- Holmes Avenue (Slauson Ave/Gage Ave) - Bike Lanes - 0.50 Mi
Huntington Drive - San Gabriel Bl/132' West of Michillinda Avenue Construction of asphalt rubber hot mix on new asphalt concrete, curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, curb ramps and bioswale structures; cold milling; installation of striping and pavement markings, including buffered bike lanes; installation of new traffic signal; landscape medians; drainage work; and the performance of other appurtenant work.
- Huntington Drive (San Gabriel Blvd/Michillinda Ave) - Bike Lanes - 1.39 Mi
La Brea Avenue, et al. Resurfacing of roadway pavement with asphalt rubber hot mix; construction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, catch basin, and inductive loop detectors; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work .
- Slauson Avenue (Fairfax Avenue/La Brea Avenue) - Bike Route - 0.25 Mi
Los Palacios Drive, et al. the reconstruction of roadway pavement using cold central plant recycled asphalt concrete pavement; resurfacing of roadway pavement using asphalt rubber hot mix; construction of sidewalk, driveways, curb and gutter, curb ramps, and cross gutters; and the performance of other appurtenant work .
- Jellick Drive/Los Padres Drive (Greenbay Drive/Aguiro Street) - Bike Route - 1.48 Mi
Marvin Braude Beach Trail Gap Closure Construct 0.6 mile pathway and connect with City of Santa Monica's multi-use trail.
- Marvin Braude Gap Closure (Santa Monica/Will Rogers Parking Lot) - Bike Path - 0.60 Mi
Metro Gold Line Eastside Access Phase II Construction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, cross gutters, stamped and colored concrete, irrigation systems, and landscaping; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. Total bike facilities of 3.32 mile(s).
- 1st Street (Indiana Street/150' E/o Vancouver Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 2.03 Mi
- 4th Street (Indiana Street/Rowan Avenue) - Bike Route - 0.29 Mi
- Ford Boulevard (1st Street/3rd Street) - Bike Lanes - 0.25 Mi
- Via Corona (Woods Avenue/Gerhart Avenue) - Bike Route - 0.75 Mi
Metro Willowbrook Rosa Parks Station Improvement-Plan Review PLan Review.
- Willowbrook Avenue Cycletrack (Imperial Highway (at Rosa Park/119th Street) - Separated Bikeway - 0.36 Mi
Mureau Road Bikeway and Roadway Improvements Reconstruction of roadway pavement with asphalt concrete pavement and microsurfacing; construction of drainage structures and guardrail end treatments; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work.
- Mureau Road (Las Virgenes Road/300' E/o Round Meadow Rd) - Bike Lanes - 1.69 Mi
New York Drive - Lake Avenue/120 feet W/o Altadena Drive Reconstruction of roadway pavement, curb and gutter, driveways, sidewalk, and curb ramps; construction of a storm drain system; guardrail; modification of traffic signals; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work . Total bike facilities of 3.37 mile(s).
- Allen Avenue (Altadena Drive/New York Avenue) - Bike Route - 1.21 Mi
- New York Drive (Lake Avenue/Altadena Drive) - Bike Route - 2.16 Mi
Overhill Drive - La Brea Avenue to Slauson Avenue Construction of asphalt pedestrian walkway along east side of Overhill Dr including asphalt curb, pedestrian lighting, retaining walls, guardrail replacement, some concrete curb and gutter, sidewalk, and curb ramps; planting of trees. Total bike facilities of 0.90 mile(s).
- Overhill Drive (Slauson Avenue/60th Street) - Bike Route - 0.25 Mi
- Overhill Drive (Stocker Street/Slauson Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 0.65 Mi
Puente Creek Bikeway Construct 1.82 miles Class I bike path and enhance 0.36 miles bicycle route/Class 3. Total bike facilities of 2.30 mile(s).
- Puente Creek Bike Path (Hacienda Blvd/Rimgrove Dr) - Bike Path - 1.92 Mi
- Rimgrove Dr (Puente Creek/Witzman Dr.) - Bike Route - 0.14 Mi
- Witzman Dr (Rimgrove Dr/Amar Rd) - Bike Route - 0.24 Mi
Quartz Hill Elementary School Traffic Improvements Traffic improvements include new sidewalk and crosswalk modifications, Class II bicycle lane, drainage upgrades, and a driver feedback sign. .
- 55th Street West (Avenue L/Avenue M-8) - Bike Lanes - 1.52 Mi
Rosemead Bl Complete Street Improvements Ph 1 Develop preliminary design and obtain environmental clearance for a complete streets treatment with bike lanes and ADA-compliant accessibility. Total bike facilities of 2.03 mile(s).
- Rosemead Blvd (Durfee Road/Gallatin Rd) - Separated Bikeway - 1.03 Mi
- Rosemead Blvd (Rush St/Legg Lake Parking Lot) - Separated Bikeway - 0.99 Mi
Rosemead Boulevard Interim Complete Streets Installation of Class IV bikeway .
- Rosemead Blvd (Legg Lake parking lot/Durfee Rd/ San Gabriel Blvd) - Separated Bikeway - 0.65 Mi
San Jose Creek Bike Path Pomona Phase 1 Construct Bikepath along Puente Creek.
- San Jose Creek Bike Path (Valley Boulevard/Ridgeway Street) - Bike Path - 2.26 Mi
San Jose Creek Bike Path Pomona Phase 2 Construct Bike Path along San Jose Creek.
- San Jose Creek Bike Path (Ridgeway Street/Murchison Avenue) - Bike Path - 1.92 Mi
San Jose Creek Regional Access Class I bike path and multi-use trail from Duck Farm River Park to existing equestrian trail and San Jose Creek Trail. Construct a new multi-use bridge over the San Jose Creek.
- San Jose Creek Regional Access (Workman Mill Road/S San Fidel Avenue) - Bike Path - 2.20 Mi
Santa Fe Av-Artesia Bl to Del Amo Bl Resurf and Reconst.
- Santa Fe Avenue (Artesia Boulevard/0.1 mi S/o Reyes Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 0.96 Mi
Santa Fe Spur BP - Connection to Duarte Rd 1. Grade and recompact existing base, install 10' or 12' wide paved AC bike path.
- Santa Fe Spur Bike Path (Duarte Road/0.3 mi S/o Duarte Road) - Bike Path - 0.32 Mi
Sinaloa Avenue, et al. Resurfacing of asphalt concrete pavement; micro-milling of existing asphalt concrete pavement; construction of an asphalt rubber and aggregate membrane and polymer modified emulsion-reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregate slurry seal; and the performance of other appurtenant work. Total bike facilities of 6.89 mile(s).
- Calaveras Street (Fair Oaks Ave/Lake Ave) - Bike Boulevard - 1.11 Mi
- Glenview/GlenCanyon/Roosevelt (Allen Avenue/E. Washington Boulevard) - Bike Route - 1.60 Mi
- Holliston Avenue (Altadena Drive/Lexington Street) - Bike Route - 1.09 Mi
- Mendocino Avenue (Maiden Lane/Allen Avenue) - Bike Route - 1.00 Mi
- N. Fair Oaks (E. Calaveras Street/Ventura Steet) - Bike Boulevard - 0.08 Mi
- Pepper Drive (Glen Canyon Road/Washington Boulevard) - Bike Route - 0.94 Mi
- Ventura Street (Windsor Avenue/N. Fair Oaks Avenue) - Bike Boulevard - 1.08 Mi
Slauson Avenue Revitalization Resurfacing of roadway pavement tire rubber modified asphalt concrete; reconstruction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways,and curb ramps; construction of concrete pavement and crosswalks, and streetscape improvements; and the performance of other appurtenant work.
- Slauson Avenue (La Brea Ave/Angeles Vista Road) - Bike Route - 0.38 Mi
South Whittier Community Bikeway Access Improvements Class II Bike Lanes and Class III Bike Boulevards. Total bike facilities of 4.93 mile(s).
- Ceres Avenue (Broadway/Telegraph Road) - Bike Route - 0.68 Mi
- Leffingwell Road (Imperial Highway/Telegraph Road) - Bike Lanes - 1.65 Mi
- Leffingwell Road (Telegraph Road/La Mirada Blvd) - Bike Lanes - 0.67 Mi
- Leland Avenue (Florence Avenue/Leffingwell Road) - Bike Route - 1.16 Mi
- Valley View Avenue (Telegraph Road/Imperial Highway) - Bike Lanes - 0.76 Mi
Susana Road, et al. Construction of tire rubber modified asphalt concrete and cold central plant recycled asphalt concrete pavement on cement stabilized pulverized base; reconstruction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, and curb ramps on crushed miscellaneous base material; modification of traffic signals; striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. . Total bike facilities of 1.84 mile(s).
- S. Susana Road (Bort Street/600' N of Del Amo Blvd) - Bike Lanes - 1.57 Mi
- S. Susana Road (E. Artesia Blvd/Del Amo Blvd) - Bike Lanes - 0.27 Mi
The Old Rd over Santa Clara River and SPT CO Bridge et al Phase I Bridge Replacement, Road Construction, and Multiuse Trail. Total bike facilities of 2.75 mile(s).
- Santa Clara River Bike Path (3000' N/o Rye Canyon Rd/I-5 Fwy) - Bike Path - 0.83 Mi
- The Old Road (Henry Mayo Dr/Magic Mountain Parkway) - Separated Bikeway - 1.92 Mi
The Old Road - Royal Road to Oak Valley Road Mill 2" Existing AC and Pave 2" AC to preserve roadway and improve rideability and life of the roadway.
- The Old Road (Oak Valley Road/Stallion Place) - Bike Lanes - 0.81 Mi
Traffic Improvements near Eastman Elementary School Construction of speed cushions, curb and gutter bulb outs, and asphalt concrete pavement on base material; modification of traffic signals; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work.
- Downey Road (3rd Avenue/Noakes Street) - Bike Route - 1.48 Mi
Vermont Avenue Bike Lane Construction of curb and gutter, asphalt concrete pavement and concrete pavement on base material; modification of traffic signals; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work.
- Vermont Avenue (87th Street/El Segundo Boulevard) - Bike Lanes - 2.86 Mi
Vermont Avenue Median Landscaping, Phase 2 Landscaping of roadway medians; construction of electrical conduit, irrigation systems, inductive loop detectors, and monument signs; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work.
- Vermont Avenue (Del Amo Blvd/Lomita Boulevard) - Bike Lanes - 3.35 Mi
Vincent Community Bikeways Implementation of bike facilities and proposed road diet. Installation of high-visibility crosswalks and wayfinding signs.
. Total bike facilities of 4.48 mile(s).
- Arrow Highway (Lark Ellen Avenue/Big Dalton Wash) - Separated Bikeway - 0.60 Mi
- Badillo St (Orange Ave/Irwindale Ave) - Bike Lanes - 0.45 Mi
- Badillo St (0.2mi e/o Orange Ave/Orange Ave) - Bike Route - 0.18 Mi
- Big Dalton Wash (W. Arrow Hwy/Citrus Ave) - Bike Path - 0.96 Mi
- Big Dalton Wash (Irwindale Avenue/Vincent Avenue) - Bike Path - 0.54 Mi
- Big Dalton Wash (Vincent Avenue/Lark Ellen Avenue) - Bike Path - 0.51 Mi
- Irwindale Ave (Big Dalton Wash/Badillo Street) - Bike Lanes - 0.71 Mi
- Lark Ellen Ave (Big Dalton Wash/E. Arrow Hwy) - Separated Bikeway - 0.52 Mi
Washington Bl et al Improve 1.3 miles of roadway along Washington Boulevard and Meyer Road, within the Unincorporated County Community of West Whittier and City of Whittier with pavement resurfacing. The project scope includes pavement rehabilitation and resurfacing, curb ramp upgrades, parkway improvements, hardscaping on a median island, and crosswalk enhancements.
- La Mirada Boulevard (Colima Road/Leffingwell Road) - Bike Lanes - 1.06 Mi
West Carson Community Bikeways Class II Bike Lanes and Class III Bike Route, and pavement resurfacing. Total bike facilities of 1.65 mile(s).
- 220th Street (Normandie Avenue/Vermont Avenue) - Bike Route - 0.65 Mi
- Carson St (Normandie Ave/Vermont Ave) - Bike Lanes - 0.52 Mi
- Lomita Boulevard (Frampton Ave/Vermont Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 0.48 Mi
West Whittier Los Nietos Mines Boulevard et al Resurface 3.0 miles of major roadways including parkway improvements and curb ramp upgrades . Total bike facilities of 2.46 mile(s).
- Broadway (Whittier Blvd/Mines Blvd) - Separated Bikeway - 0.69 Mi
- Broadway (Mines Blvd/Norwalk Blvd) - Separated Bikeway - 0.76 Mi
- Mines Blvd (Norwalk Blvd/Broadway) - Separated Bikeway - 0.51 Mi
- Mines Blvd (Broadway/Sorensen Ave) - Separated Bikeway - 0.50 Mi
Westmont Community Bikeway Access Improvements Construction of asphalt concrete pavement on base material, curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, and cross gutters; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. Total bike facilities of 1.74 mile(s).
- 110th Street (Western Avenue/Denker Avenue) - Bike Boulevard - 0.25 Mi
- 110th Street (Denker Avenue/Budlong Avenue) - Bike Boulevard - 0.49 Mi
- Denker Avenue (Century Blvd/Imperial Hwy) - Bike Route - 1.00 Mi
Willowbrook 2 Project (AHSC) Installation of new bike lanes, bulbouts, ADA ramps, new sidewalks and sidewalk repairs, street trees, wayfinding signs, street lights and bus stop improvements.
- 120th Street/119th Street (Central Avenue/Compton Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 0.42 Mi
Willowbrook Area Access Improvements Reconstruction of roadway pavement, construction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, and curb ramps; landscaping; irrigation system; signage and streetscape improvements; and the performance of other appurtentant work.
- 120th Street/119th Street (Compton Avenue/Wilmington Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 0.43 Mi
Woodbury Road Median Landscaping reconstruction of curb and gutter; construction of landscaping, irrigation systems, installation of striping and pavement markings, and the performance of other appurtenant work .
- Woodbury Rd (Windsor Avenue/Santa Anita Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 1.51 Mi
Workman Mill Road Cold milling and resurfacing of roadway pavement with asphalt rubber hot mix on asphalt rubber and aggregate membrane; construction of a Portland cement concrete bus pad; reconstruction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, curb ramps, and driveway; traffic signal modifications; striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. Total bike facilities of 1.01 mile(s).
- Workman Mill Road (1000' S/o 3rd Avenue/3rd Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 0.26 Mi
- Workman Mill Road (Oakman Drive/Don Julian Rd) - Separated Bikeway - 0.48 Mi
- Workman Mill Road (Don Julian Rd/1000' S/o 3rd Avenue) - Bike Lanes - 0.27 Mi
For more information on County bikeway projects, please contact us. Please note that planned on-road bikeways are implemented in conjunction with road reconstruction projects whenever feasible.