The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) requests proposals to prepare a Master Plan for the San Gabriel River.
In Los Angeles County(County), increasing interest in recreation, open space, and habitat areas along river corridors has prompted the need to develop a plan to better incorporate these resources into the functionality of the San Gabriel River(River). The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors passed a motion on September 7, 1999, to develop the San Gabriel River Master Plan (SGRMP). The SGRMP will be a tool to establish the River as an integral part of the community, to enhance the community's quality of life by providing protection, benefit, and enjoyment to the public.
The planning effort for the SGRMP has been in progress for the past two years. A group of stakeholders has been guiding the development of the SGRMP. The stakeholders include cities adjacent to the River, regulatory agencies, water professionals, and interested community and environmental groups. Over the past two years, the stakeholders have participated in an information exchange process. During this time, LACDPW continuously updated the list of issues and concerns. After the list of issues and concerns was developed, the stakeholders participated in a series of workshops to identify goals and objectives for recreation, habitat, and open space. The stakeholders then spent several months developing a Vision and set of Broad Goals, which will guide the SGRMP.
The SGRMP planning area includes the River Corridor from the outlet of Morris Dam (approximately four miles north of the City of Azusa in the San Gabriel Canyon) to the outlet in the Pacific Ocean. Also included in the SGRMP, will be the areas upstream of Morris Dam in the Angeles National Forest that are under County jurisdiction. The stretch of River corridor from Morris Dam to the Pacific Ocean is approximately 37 miles in length and includes two dams and reservoirs (Santa Fe, Whittier Narrows), and the area above Morris Dam includes three Dams and reservoirs (Morris, San Gabriel, Cogswell).
The objective of the SGRMP is to advocate and identify potential enhancements of the River's resources. While understanding that the River has necessary functions that it must achieve for flood protection and groundwater recharge and storm water conservation, the SGRMP will seek to enhance and establish recreation, open space, and habitat within these parameters. The SGRMP will identify opportunities, constraints and possibilities to enhance the following:
As the development of the SGRMP has been a stakeholder driven process, the SGRMP will strive to accomplish the following Vision and Broad Goals set forth by the stakeholders:
The San Gabriel River will be the corridor of an integrated watershed system while providing protection, benefit and enjoyment to the public.
The following goals of the Master Plan support the vision for the San Gabriel River.
The SGRMP will seek to achieve/include the following:
The following scope is provided as a guide to accomplish the objective stated above. The consultant is responsible for completing the specified tasks listed below and meeting the objective of the SGRMP. In achieving the stated objective, the consultant is not necessarily limited to these tasks. The consultant is encouraged to include in the proposal any additional tasks deemed crucial in accomplishing the stated objective.
Tasks | ||||
I. | Coordinate administrative functions with Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Project Planning Team (Planning Team) | |||
A. | Initially meet with Planning Team to discuss the scope of work and pertinent details of the project and to receive background information | |||
B. | Meet monthly with Planning Team to organize/setup monthly stakeholder meetings | |||
C. | Meet with Planning Team throughout the process to attain concurrence on work product | |||
D. | Budget/schedule review | |||
II. | Review, synthesize, and summarize existing data | |||
A. | The following data has been collected and developed by the River Stakeholders and will serve as a foundation for the SGRMP. This data includes the following: | |||
1. | List of Issues and Concerns | |||
2. | Goals and Objectives | |||
3. | Vision with supporting Broad Goals | |||
B. | Los Angeles County Data - The County has a wide range of relevant data and resources. They include: | |||
1. | Geographic Information System (GIS) Mapping-Overlay of ownership right-of-way on aerial photography along River corridor and area upstream of Morris Dam (per County's GIS license agreement). | |||
2. | Hydrology Information | |||
3. | San Gabriel River infrastructure plans manuals and maintenance agreements/reports/studies. | |||
C. | Other agencies and organizations are involved in planning efforts for the San Gabriel River Watershed. The following list of plans, studies, and agreements will be made available: | |||
1. | San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC)-Open Space Plan | |||
2. | United States Forest Service (USFS)-Land Management Plan, including other pertinent information and studies related to the revised land management plan | |||
3. | United States Army Corp of Engineers-Feasibility Study | |||
4. | West Fork Working Group-Long-Term Management Plan, West Fork, San Gabriel River | |||
5 | LACDPW-San Gabriel Canyon Sediment Management Plan | |||
6. | LACDPW agreements with: | |||
a. San Gabriel River Water Committee (Azusa Conduit intake on San Gabriel Dam, 2001 MOU regarding sluicing) | ||||
b. San Gabriel Valley Protective Association | ||||
c. Watermaster (Imported Water) | ||||
7. | Documents pertaining to water rights: | |||
a. San Gabriel River Water Committee's water rights | ||||
b. San Gabriel Valley Protective Association's water rights | ||||
c. Long Beach Judgement | ||||
8. | Other relevant plans, studies, agreements, documents, available GIS information, etc. | |||
III. | Meet with Project Stakeholders/Steering Committee | |||
A. | The consultant and Planning Team will meet monthly to participate in conducting the stakeholder meetings. | |||
1. | Present an organized written summary of existing information, and present strategy for plan completion | |||
2. | Review progress and seek stakeholder input on all major work products | |||
3. | Meet with planning team and appropriate stakeholders when discussing specific areas, issues, or opportunities | |||
IV. | Coordination | |||
A. | Work with Planning Team to coordinate with other agencies and organizations involved in planning efforts for the San Gabriel River Watershed. The consultant will complete the following: | |||
1. | Verify consistency of SGRMP with other planning efforts and legal/regulatory mandates | |||
2. | Identify potential conflicts, redundancies, and opportunities | |||
3. | Identify solutions to resolve conflicts and/or maximize opportunities | |||
V. | Conduct Studies | |||
A. | Analysis and identification of existing resources, current uses, issues, opportunities, and constraints in the planning area for the three target areas of: | |||
1. | Recreation- The consultant, in conjunction with the appropriate stakeholders/ authorities, shall gather information and/or perform studies on existing public access and recreational activities, facilities and projects within the planning area. | |||
a. Identify needs, opportunities, and constraints of planning area | ||||
b. Identify opportunities to integrate enhancements/additions into
existing recreation network to encourage regional connectivity consistent with the River's necessary functions within and beyond the planning area | ||||
c. Refine the goals and objectives developed during the stakeholder
workshops into potential implementation measures in response to the results of the recreational analysis/studies performed | ||||
2. | Habitat-The consultant, in conjunction with the appropriate stakeholders/authorities, shall review and analyze existing information and perform studies to identify opportunities and constraints to enhance/create habitat systems, which will serve to enhance populations of plant and animal species. | |||
a. Identify areas and opportunities that are important for the survival of plant and animal populations | ||||
b. Identify issues and solutions to deal with habitat/urban interface
areas consistent with the River's necessary functions | ||||
c. Identify areas and opportunities to connect habitat areas within and beyond the planning area | ||||
d. Refine the goals and objectives developed during stakeholder
workshops into potential implementation measures in response to the results of habitat analysis/studies performed | ||||
3. | Open Space-The consultant, in conjunction with the appropriate stakeholders/authorities shall analyze and/or perform studies to identify opportunities and constraints to promote the development, restoration, and preservation of open space. | |||
a. Identify opportunities and constraints for open space | ||||
b. Identify opportunities to integrate existing and future open space
areas to encourage connectivity consistent with the River's necessary functions within and beyond the project area | ||||
c. Refine the goals and objectives developed by the stakeholders into
potential implementation measures in response to the results of open space analysis/studies performed | ||||
B. | Analysis of interface and integration of recreation, habitat, and open space enhancements within the River's necessary functions of flood protection and groundwater recharge and storm water conservation. | |||
1. | Identify recreation, habitat, and open space enhancements that are compatible with the necessary functions of the River, adjudicated water rights, and existing legal agreements and mandates | |||
2. | Assure that functions of River remain at existing levels needed to serve and protect the community with the ability to enhance and expand flood protection, groundwater recharge and storm water conservation when necessary | |||
VI. | Develop an implementation strategy | |||
A. | Develop an overall conceptual plan for the entire SGRMP area | |||
B. | Identify specific opportunities and specify projects including five demonstration projects to be implemented as part of the approved SGRMP. | |||
C. | Develop a methodology to prioritize projects | |||
D. | Overlay project areas on existing GIS mapping data | |||
E. | Develop conceptual plans for priority projects in coordination with appropriate stakeholders/steering committee members | |||
F. | Prepare cost estimates and general time lines for priority projects | |||
G. | Identify potential funding opportunities | |||
VII. | SGRMP Document Preparation | |||
A. | Prepare outline of Draft SGRMP for Planning Team to review | |||
B. | Consultant and Planning Team present outline to stakeholders/steering committee members for feedback | |||
C. | Prepare Draft SGRMP | |||
D. | Present Draft to Planning Team for review | |||
E. | Consultant and Planning Team present outline to stakeholders/steering committee members for feedback | |||
F. | Prepare Revised Draft SGRMP | |||
VIII. | Environmental Documentation/Final SGRMP Preparation | |||
A. | Prepare environmental documentation necessary to satisfy the applicable provisions of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). | |||
B. | Identify and meet with regulatory agencies to elicit comments prior to preparation of the administrative draft environmental document. | |||
C. | Prepare Draft Environmental Document | |||
D. | Present Environmental Document to Planning Team for review | |||
E. | Incorporate comments from Planning Team | |||
F. | Circulate Draft Environmental Document to the public for review | |||
G. | Respond to Public Comments on Environmental Document | |||
H. | Consultant and Planning Team present the final environmental document and SGRMP to the stakeholders/steering committee members | |||
I. | Prepare Final Environmental Document and SGRMP to be made available in both electronic and hard copy. | |||
IX. | Geographic Information System (GIS): Optional | |||
A. | Develop GIS models to prioritize projects | |||
B. | Identify GIS data sources | |||
C. | Identify any known limitations or data gaps that would be needed to develop a complete GIS database | |||
D. | Convert existing relevant and/or pertinent data to GIS | |||
E. | GIS shall be common projection-California State Plane, units feet, North American Datum (NAD) 1983, Zone 5 |