Road Projects

Current Projects

U.S. 101/Palo Comado Canyon Rd Interchange Improvement (ABO)(AGH) Widen existing overcrossing from 40-feet to 76-feet to accommodate one travel lane in each direction, left-turn pockets, bike lanes, shoulders; and sidewalks. In addition, a signal will be installed at the northbound off-ramp to improve safety and circulation. RDC0016341 8/31/18 7/31/20
Colima Rd - City of Whittier Boundary to Fullerton Rd Pavement preservation, road widening, new bike lanes, traffic signal upgrades, landscaping and roadway improvements. RDC0014911 2/19/25 2/29/28
Hazard Av et al Improve 1.51 miles along Hazard Avenue and Blanchard St. Work includes reconstruction of roadway, curb and gutter, curb ramps, cross gutters, sidewalk, driveways and bus pads. RDC0016052 5/9/24 3/5/25

Future Projects

Windsor Hills - Southridge Avenue et al The proposed work includes reconstruction of roadways, new bulbouts, needed sidewalk and driveways, curb, and gutter repair as well as installation of curb ramps, signing striping, traffic loop restoration will also be performed. RDC0015774 7/24/26 3/3/27
Compton Bl et al - East Rancho Dominguez Resurface 2.0 miles of major roadways including parkway improvements and curb ramp upgrades. RDC0015726 8/28/26 5/24/28
Avocado Heights San Jose Hills - Valley Boulevard Construction of tire rubber modified asphalt pavement over existing concrete slab in lanes #2 and #3 base and install new asphalt and base in #1 lane. ; reconstruction of curb and gutter, sidewalk, driveways, and curb ramps on crushed miscellaneous base material; striping and pavement markings, upgrade street traffic signals; and the performance of other appurtenant work. RMD1104001 8/6/26 3/6/28
Rosewood - 139th Street, et al. Phase II The proposed work includes cold-mill enough existing pavement to produce cold central planted recycled pavement (CCPR); pulverize and stabilize the remaining existing pavement with the underlying base material and/or soil to produce cement stabilized pulverized base (CSPB); and place a layer of rubberized hot-mix asphalt over the CCPR on CSPB to provide a long lasting finished driving surface. RMD3208002 1/12/27 9/13/27
East Los Angeles - Whiteside Street et al Ph I The proposed work includes pulverize and stabilize the remaining existing pavement with the underlying base material and/or soil to produce cement stabilized pulverized base (CSPB); and place a layer of rubberized hot-mix asphalt over the conventional asphalt on CSPB to provide a long lasting finished driving surface. Additionally, a storm drain will capture stormwater at the top of the hill of Buhler Circle and will convey it to existing catch-basins on Dodds Street. RDC0015913 10/6/25 9/24/26
West Puente Valley - Temple Avenue et al The proposed work includes cold-mill and overlay with a layer of asphalt rubberized asphalt concrete to preserve and provide a long lasting finished driving surface. Needed sidewalk, curb, and gutter repair as well as installation of curb ramps will also be performed. RMD1102001 12/30/25 2/1/27
Hacienda Heights Community - Leticia Drive et al Phase II Roadway reconstruction RMD1408001 3/19/26 10/22/26
Washington Bl et al Improve 1.3 miles of roadway along Washington Boulevard and Meyer Road, within the Unincorporated County Community of West Whittier and City of Whittier with pavement resurfacing. The project scope includes pavement rehabilitation and resurfacing, curb ramp upgrades, parkway improvements, hardscaping on a median island, and crosswalk enhancements. RDC0016075 9/16/26 4/19/27
Hacienda Heights - Hacienda Boulevard Phase I Road resurfacing including sidewalk reconstruction, guardrail upgrade, tree removals and tree planting. RMD1402001 12/1/25 7/14/26
Chatsworth - Lake Manor Drive et al reconstruction of roadway pavement using cold central plant recycled asphalt concrete pavement; construction of sidewalk, driveways, curb and gutter, curb ramps, and cross gutters; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work RMD3508001 5/6/26 2/19/27
Hacienda Heights Binney Street et al The proposed work includes cold-mill enough existing pavement to produce cold central planted recycled pavement (CCPR); pulverize and stabilize the remaining existing pavement with the underlying base material and/or soil to produce cement stabilized pulverized base (CSPB); and place a layer of rubberized hot-mix asphalt over the CCPR on CSPB to provide a long lasting finished driving surface. RMD1408003 3/25/27 5/1/28
Norwalk Bl et al Reconstruct and Resurface RDC0015912 4/28/27 2/21/29

Completed Projects

South Antelope Valley - 10th Street East, et al. The proposed work includes cold mill and overlay of AC pavement; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. RMD5508002 7/10/23 7/12/24
Del Sur - 90th St West - Ave G to Ave J Cold mill 2" asphalt pavement and put back 2" overlay RMD5502039 5/8/23
Avenue I The proposed work includes micro-milling to improve road ride-ability; scrub seal to extend the road service life by sealing cracks; slurry seal to preserve the pavement structure and provide a smoother finished driving surface. RMD5505014 8/26/24
Altadena - Canyon Crest Rd: 2900' W/O Lincoln Av to Canyon Dell Dr Mill 1.5" of pavement and construct 1.5" of AC overlay RMD2506011 7/17/23 8/9/23
Kagel Canyon Road, et al. (Phase III) The proposed work includes dig-outs, cold-milling and paving of asphalt concrete to preserve and provide a long-lasting finished driving surface. RMD2505010 6/27/23
Lake Hughes - Munz Ranch Road The proposed work includes cold mill and overlay of AC pavement; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. RMD5502044 4/23/24
RMDJOC6743 Pavement Preservation (Resurfacing), North Los Angeles County Resurfacing of various streets, highways, and facilities Countywide, and the performance of other incidental and appurtenant work RMDJOC6743 1/29/24
Altadena - Altadena Dr: Allen Av to 150' N/O Canyon Close Rd Mill 1.5" of pavement and construct 1.5" of AC overlay RMD2506012 8/28/23 9/1/23
Pavement Preservation (Seal Coats), North Los Angeles County Pavement Preservation (Seal Coats), North Los Angeles County RMDJOC6711 9/22/23
Agua Dulce - Sierra Highway (Phase III) - Davenport Road to Center Street The proposed work includes cold mill existing pavement; cold-in-place recycling of roadway pavement; and place a layer of rubberized hot-mix asphalt over the CIR to provide a long lasting finished driving surface. Needed sidewalk, curb, and gutter repair as well as installation of curb ramps will also be performed. RMD2503002 5/12/23
Lennox - Dalerose Av Et Al (Resurfacing) The proposed work includes milling to improve road ride-ability and the look of the gutters; digouts to repair cracks in the subsurface; and asphalt pavement to create a smooth riding surface. RMD3267895 10/7/24
Castaic/Lake Hughes - Ridge Route Rd -Pine Crest Pl to 4752 n/o Templin Hy Mill and pave approximately 7.37 miles RMD2502021 5/31/24
Acton - Crown Valley Road Phase II The proposed work includes cold-mill and overlay with a layer of asphalt rubberized asphalt concrete to preserve and provide a long lasting finished driving surface. RMD5502024 8/12/24
South Antelope Valley - Sierra Highway from Pearblossom Highway to Avenue S The proposed work includes cold mill existing pavement; cold-in-place recycling of roadway pavement; and place a layer of rubberized hot-mix asphalt over the CIR to provide a long lasting finished driving surface. RMD5502018 6/12/23 10/20/23
Del Sur - 110th Street West - Avenue F to Avenue J The proposed work includes cold mill and overlay of AC pavement; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. RMD5502031 4/10/23 5/26/23
190th Street East Double Chip and Slurry project. RMD5505013 8/21/24
Acton - Aliso Canyon Road - Soledad Canyon Road to Avenue Y8 3" mill & pave existing roadway RMD5501010 7/8/24 8/7/24
Palmdale - Avenue P - 1674 E 20th St East to 30th St East The proposed work includes cold mill and overlay of AC pavement; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. RMD5502041 11/6/23 6/1/24
Lake Los Angeles - Avenue G Micro Milling, leveling course, 3/8" Chip RMD55AT009 8/8/24
RMDJOC6745 Pavement Preservation (Seal Coats), South Los Angeles County Seal coating of various streets, highways, and facilities Countywide, and the performance of other incidental and appurtenant work. RMDJOC6745 9/7/23
Pavement Reconstruction (Sustainable), North Los Angeles County Pavement Reconstruction (Sustainable) RMDJOC6712 3/3/23
Roosevelt - 70th Street East - Avenue E to Avenue I The proposed work includes cold mill and overlay of AC pavement; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. RMD5502045 7/8/24 7/27/24
Acton - Crown Valley Road Phase I Resurfacing 11.5 lane miles in the unincorporated community of Acton. RMD5502043 10/10/23 10/18/23
RMDJOC6742 Pavement Preservation (Resurfacing), North Los Angeles County Resurfacing of various streets, highways, and facilities Countywide, and the performance of other incidental and appurtenant work. RMDJOC6742 12/6/23
RMDJOC6744 Pavement Reconstruction (Sustainable), North Los Angeles County Reconstruction of various streets, highways, and facilities Countywide, and the performance of other incidental and appurtenant work. RMDJOC6744 12/1/23
Acton - Santiago Road The proposed work includes cold mill and overlay of AC pavement; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. RMD5510002 8/26/24 9/13/24
Leona Valley - Johnson Road - Elizabeth Lake Rd to Avenue J Cold mill 2" of asphalt and put back 2" overlay RMD5502038 6/30/23
Roosevelt - 60th Street East - Avenue E to Avenue I The proposed work includes cold mill and overlay of AC pavement; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. RMD5506004 5/21/24
Windsor Hills - La Cienega Blvd Resurfacing The proposed work includes cold-mill and overlay with a layer of asphalt rubberized asphalt concrete to preserve and provide a long lasting finished driving surface. RMD3202005 5/31/23
Big Tujunga Canyon Road The proposed work includes cold mill existing pavement; cold-in-place recycling of roadway pavement; and place a layer of rubberized hot-mix asphalt over the CIR to provide a long lasting finished driving surface. Needed sidewalk, curb, and gutter repair as well as installation of curb ramps will also be performed. RMD5504003 8/5/22
Lake Los Angeles - Lake Los Angeles Local Streets Cape Seal to preserve the pavement structure and provide a smooth and finished driving surface. RMD5516002 5/15/23 9/6/24
RMDJOC6747 Pavement Preservation (Resurfacing), South Los Angeles County Resurfacing of various streets, highways, and facilities Countywide, and the performance of other incidental and appurtenant work. RMDJOC6747 12/21/23
Sun Village/Littlerock - Avenue R-8, et al. The proposed work includes cold mill and overlay of AC pavement; installation of striping and pavement markings; and the performance of other appurtenant work. RMD5505004 11/6/23 1/29/24
200th Street East The proposed work includes micro-milling to improve ride-ability; scrub seal to extend the road service life by sealing cracks; slurry seal to preserve the pavement structure and provide a smoother finished driving surface. RMD5501013 8/26/24
Pavement Preservation (Seal Coats), South Los Angeles County Pavement Preservation (Seal Coats RMDJOC6716 7/18/23
RMDJOC6749 Pavement Reconstruction (Sustainable), South Los Angeles County Reconstruction of various streets, highways, and facilities Countywide, and the performance of other incidental and appurtenant work. RMDJOC6749 5/17/24
Lake Los Angeles - Avenue H Scrub seal, Overlay RMD55AT010 6/7/24
Lennox - Buford Av Et Al Resurfacing The proposed work includes cold-mill and overlay with a layer of asphalt concrete to preserve and provide a long lasting finished driving surface. RMD3206012 10/6/23
Francisquito Avenue - From Big Dalton Avenue to California Avenue Grind 2 inches of existing asphalt pavement and pave 2 inches of asphalt RMD1102007 11/19/24
Pavement Reconstruction (Sustainable), North Los Angeles County Pavement Reconstruction (Sustainable), North Los Angeles County RMDJOC6713 3/9/23
Pavement Reconstruction (Sustainable), North Los Angeles County Pavement Reconstruction (Sustainable RMDJOC6714 3/1/23
Pavement Preservation (Seal Coats), South Los Angeles County Pavement Preservation (Seal Coats), South Los Angeles County RMDJOC6715 3/2/23