Affordable Housing
What is Affordable Housing?
Affordable Housing is an essential component of the County of Los Angeles Homeless Initiative. Building and Safety has committed to expediting the plan review, permit issuance and inspection of all affordable housing developments. To facilitate the expedited processing of development applications and construction permits for affordable housing projects, Building and Safety has established an Affordable Housing Coordinator. The Affordable Housing Coordinator manages a portfolio of high-priority affordable housing projects throughout the entitlement, plan check, permitting, and construction phases of development.

What is Affordable Housing?
Affordable Housing is an essential component of the County of Los Angeles Homeless Initiative. Building and Safety has committed to expediting the plan review, permit issuance and inspection of all affordable housing developments. To facilitate the expedited processing of development applications and construction permits for affordable housing projects, Building and Safety has established an Affordable Housing Coordinator. The Affordable Housing Coordinator manages a portfolio of high-priority affordable housing projects throughout the entitlement, plan check, permitting, and construction phases of development.
LA County Affordable Housing Data
Contact the Affordable Housing Coordinator:
Affordable Housing Links:
Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA)
The LACDA offers an array of programs and services to assist County residents, businesses, and partner organizations.Los Angeles County Housing
The Los Angeles County Housing Resource Center was created to help people list and find affordable, special needs, accessible, and/or emergency housing within the County of Los Angeles. This web-based service helps provide information to the general public as well as professionals seeking vital housing resources for clients.Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning – Housing Initiatives
The Department of Regional Planning is working to increase housing choice, affordability and livability in the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County. Click to learn more about the newest housing initiatives.