I AM A Design Professional
What do I have to do?
As a design professional this site will provide guidance for getting through the “5 Steps of the Permit Process” in Los Angeles County with helpful links and information regarding services, code requirements, along with links and contacts to navigate LA County’s permit and plan check processes. Also, should you have any questions you can call or visit your local Building and Safety District Office.

What do I have to do?
As a design professional this site will provide guidance for getting through the “5 Steps of the Permit Process” in Los Angeles County with helpful links and information regarding services, code requirements, along with links and contacts to navigate LA County’s permit and plan check processes. Also, should you have any questions you can call or visit your local Building and Safety District Office.
Electronic Permitting and Inspections for the County of Los Angeles (EPIC-LA), For the unincorporated areas, is the online portal to Building and Safety’s electronic permitting services. On this site, you can submit plans, specifications, and supporting documents for review and approval, pay permit fees and apply for a permit.
Building and Safety Online Plan Check System, for Contract Cities, online plan check applications may be submitted via the BSOP Web Application.
5 Steps of the Permit Process
01 Application
First step in the permit/plan check process for any building project
02 Plan Check
Reviews of plans, documents for compliance with building codes
03 Permit
Legal go-ahead for specified construction; checklist for inspections
04 Inspection
Certification that permitted work is safe and complete
05 Completion
When all permitted work is complete, inspected and signed-off
First step in the permit/plan check process for any building project
When all permitted work is complete, inspected and signed-off
Design Professional Facts
What is the permit process?
Following are the “5 Steps of the Permit Process” for construction projects requiring a permit:
- Application :If it has been determined that a permit is required, (see Work Exempt from Permits), the permittee shall complete a permit application, pay plan check and/or permit fees, and when required submit plans and specifications for review. When necessary, the Building Official will give the permittee an Agency Referral Sheet. The applicant is responsible for obtaining the noted agency approvals prior to obtaining the permit.
Plan Check:When a plan check is
required* the review process will be
- Over-the-counter Plan Check Typically, projects that can be plan checked in 15 minutes or less may be reviewed over the counter, during the morning office counter hours, or
- Plan Taken in for Review Complex projects or projects at the discretion of the Building Official will be taken in and reviewed in the order it was received. Turn-around time may vary depending on the volume of plans submitted to an office.
*Not all permit applications require a plan check, (Example, replacement of a residential water heater. No plan check required. The permit could be issued upon completion of the application and payment of permit fee).
- Permit Issuance: A permit can be issued once the permit application is completed, the plan check review is either approved or a plan check is not required, any required agency approvals are received, and the fees have been paid.
- Inspection : When the permitted work reaches a certain phase of construction the permit holder is required to request for inspection online through EPIC-LA (for projects in the unincorporated County areas) or call the Building and Safety District Office (for projects within Contract Cities) that issued the permit to schedule an inspection. An inspector will review the work for compliance with the requirements of the code(s), the approved plan, and the permit(s) scope of work.
- Project Complete : The project is complete once any required agency approvals have been obtained and the work covered by the permit(s) has passed final inspection, (inspection record card and permit(s) have been signed and dated). Additionally, for buildings and structures, a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued by the Building Official.
For a general road map of the permitting process, please click here
Certified Access Specialist program (CASp)
- What is the Certified Access Specialist program (CASp)? - The Certified Access Specialist program (CASp) was created by Senate Bill 262 (Chapter 872, 2003) and is designed to meet the public's need for experienced, trained, and tested individuals who can inspect buildings and sites for compliance with applicable state and federal construction-related accessibility standards. The CASp program is governed by Title 21 Voluntary Certified Access Specialist Program Regulations. For more information regarding CASp contact the Division of the State Architect, 916-323-2727, casprogram@dgs.ca.gov County of Los Angeles Building Code.
- How to hire a CASp? - The Division of State Architect (DSA) provides a Certified Access Specialists List on its website. You can find an independent CASp on the list by looking for the CASp in your geographic region that states he/she performs inspections.
- FAQs and information regarding CASp - https://www.dgs.ca.gov/DSA/Resources/Page-Content/Resources-List-Folder/CASp
Where can I find copies of plans and permits?
The local Building and Safety District Office maintains the building records.
- Permit(s) - Copies of the permit records can be obtained for a nominal fee from the local Building and Safety District Office. Additionally, you may be directed to the Office of the Assessor, to obtain the “Field Notes” to assist in creating a complete property profile.
Plans - An official copy of the plans and specifications shall be maintained by the Building Official and open for inspection only on the premises as a public record. The plans and specifications may only be duplicated in compliance with Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 19851.
- Commercial Plans - The Building Official shall maintain an official copy of the approved plans and specifications of every commercial building, during the life of the building (see exceptions in the Health and Safety Code (HSC) Section 19850.
- Residential Plans - The Building Official shall retain the approved plans and specifications for a period of not less than 90 days from date of completion of the work covered therein.
Can an alternate material, design or method of construction be used?
The provisions of the Code are not intended to prevent the use of any material, appliance, installation, device, arrangement, design, or method of construction not specifically prescribed by the Code.
Upon receiving a written application, filing fee, and sufficient evidence or proof, the Building Official may approve any such alternate that is at least the equivalent of that prescribed in the Code in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance and other life-safety factors, durability, planning and design, energy, material resource efficiency and conservation, environmental air quality, performance, water, and sanitation.
When are Continuous or Periodic Special Inspection(s) required?
All construction or work for which a building permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the Building Official and certain types of construction shall have continuous or periodic special inspection as specified in Chapter 17 of the County of Los Angeles Building Code.
Is there a list of deputized Special Inspectors?
A list of the special inspectors currently certified by Building and Safety Division is available at the Special Inspectors page
Where can I get the building codes?
The County of Los Angeles Building, Electrical, Plumbing, and Mechanical Codes are available for review at Building and Safety’s District Offices.
The County of Los Angeles building code amendments can be viewed at: Municipal Codes Library by Lexis Nexis
Copies of the building codes and County of Los Angeles amendments can be purchased through:
- International Code Council (ICC) – Western Regional
Office (LA)
3060 Saturn Street, Suite 100
Brea, California 92821
[P] 888-ICC-SAFE (888-422-7233) and press 0
[F] (562) 908-5524 or 1-866-891-1695
Open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Pacific, Monday-Friday - BNI
Building News
1-888-BNI-BOOKS - International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO)
4755 E. Philadelphia St.
Ontario, CA 91761-2816
(909) 472-4100
When does a Plan or Permit Expire?
- Plan Expiration: When no permit has been issued within 12 months following the date of permit application, the application shall expire. The Building Official may grant two extensions upon written request by the applicant and payment of fees.
- Permit Expiration: The permit expires if the work has not started within 12 months from the date of permit issuance, or if the work lapses for more than 180 days at any time after the start of work. The permit may be granted one or more extensions of 180 days each, upon written request. When a permit expires, a new permit application shall be filed, and new plan check and permit fees shall be paid.
Refund Policy for plan check fee or permit fee
- Plan Check fee refund: The plan check fee will be refunded only when it is verified that no review of the plan as taken place, in which case the refund shall be 80 percent of the plan check.
- Permit fee refund: When it has been verified that no portion of the work or construction covered by a permit has commenced, and the permit has been canceled or expired, the permittee, may request in writing, a refund in an amount equal to 80 percent of the permit fee provided the request has been submitted no later than one year after the expiration date of the permit