Smart Business Recycling


Recycling for Businesses – Getting Started

Recycling is smart business! Each year, businesses in the Los Angeles County unincorporated areas send over 600,000 tons of waste to the landfills but some of these materials can be recycled or put to beneficial reuse.

Being environmentally-conscious can also be economical. Implement sustainable practices at your workplace and you could:

environmentally-conscious utensils
  • Save your company money
  • Attract new customers
  • Become a sustainable leader
  • Improve inventory operations
  • Reduce food waste
  • Protect the environment
  • Comply with State laws

Mandatory State Regulations for Businesses

Short-lived Climate

As of January 1, 2022, SB 1383 requires all organic waste generators (businesses, institutions, multifamily residents, and single-family residents) to recycle their organic waste to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Mandatory Commercial
Recycling Law

As of July 1, 2012, the State's AB 341 requires all businesses that generate 4 cubic yards or more of solid waste per week to arrange for recycling services.

Commercial Organics
and Recycling Bins

AB 827 requires all commercial food establishments to provide bins to customers for collecting organic waste and recycling alongside trash. This includes all commercial food service establishments that provide food for purchase and immediate consumption on site.

For more information, please visit the California Resources, Recycling, and Recovery website:


Click on the links below to learn how your business can start saving money and the environment today.
    2 recycling hauler employees.
  • Hauler Services Learn about what services are available to you as a business operating in the Los Angeles County unincorporated areas.

  • County Programs Find out what recycling programs the County offers businesses that can help yours achieve greater sustainability.

  • Recycling Resources Find a list of organic, recycling, and educational resources that can help you comply with Mandatory State Regulations.

  • Request a Consultation Submit a request for an on-site consultation to learn how you can enhance your business' recycling practices.
