Welcome to the Smart Business Recycling Program website! This site provides waste reduction and recycling resources for businesses, multi-family properties and schools located in the Los Angeles County Unincorporated Areas. To access information about waste collection services for businesses, click here.
Short-lived Climate Pollutants Senate Bill (SB) 1383
In 2016, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 1383 into California law, which establishes methane emission reduction targets by reducing statewide organic waste disposal as follows:
1.) 50% reduction in statewide disposal of organic waste by 2020
2.) 75% reduction in statewide disposal of organic waste by 2025
In addition, SB 1383 requires that not less than 20% of edible food that is currently disposed be recovered for human consumption by 2025.
January 1, 2022: Regulations take effect and State enforcement begins
January 1, 2024: Regulations require local governments to take enforcement
Click on the Organic Waste Requirements Flyer (to the right) for important information on how to be compliant with SB 1383.
Visit FightFoodWasteLA.com for more information on Organic Waste Management and SB 1383.
Food Donation and Recovery (Food DROP)
Edible food generating businesses may be required to donate their excess edible food to local food recovery agencies. The County’s Food Donation and Recovery Outreach Program (Food DROP) provides resources to help businesses safely donate edible food. For more information, visit our Food DROP page.
Mandatory Commercial Recycling (Assembly Bill (AB) 341)
Commercial Organics and Recycling Bins (Assembly Bill (AB) 827)
As of July 1, 2012, the State's AB 341 established mandatory commercial recycling and a Statewide goal to source reduce, recycle or compost no less than 75% of the solid waste generated by 2020 and annually thereafter.
How this affects businesses and
multi-family properties (5 units or more):
All businesses that generate 4 cubic yards or more of solid waste per week and multi-family properties with 5 units or more must arrange for recycling services.
As of July 1, 2020, AB 827 commercial food establishments are required to provide organic waste and recycling bins to customers alongside trash to collect products purchased and consumed by customers on the premises. All three bins must be accessible, visible, and clearly marked with signage on what can or cannot be disposed of in each. The bins must be properly serviced.
How this affects businesses:
This law targets businesses that sell products meant for immediate consumption. *Full-service restaurants do not have to provide properly labeled containers for customers but must provide properly labeled containers next to trash containers for employees to separate post-consumer recyclables and organics.
*A "full-service" restaurant is defined as the employee escort/assign the customer to an assigned eating area, take the food and beverage orders at the assigned seating area, deliver the food and beverage to the customer, and collect all trash from the customer.
If you have any questions, visit our FAQs or email businessrecycling@pw.lacounty.gov.