Smart Business Recycling


The Single Family Waste Diversion Survey is currently closed. Thank you for your interest and willingness to participate.


Los Angeles County has contracted with Cascadia Consulting Group to conduct a waste characterization study to examine solid waste composition and generation rates originating in the unincorporated communities of LA County (CUC). Together with their subcontractors, Cascadia will collect waste samples throughout 2020 and 2021. The results of this study will enable LA County to effectively design programs to address trends in solid waste disposal and diversion.


Cascadia needs your participation in the Study to:

  1. Determine characteristics (e.g., weight, composition, divertibility, etc.) of specific material types generated in the CUC business waste stream.
  2. Identify key opportunities and resources for businesses/multifamily residents to use less, recycle more, and take resource conservation to higher levels.
  3. Understand trends in solid waste disposal and diversion and design programs to best achieve State goals of reducing disposal at landfills.

Participating in the Study is easy. Our trained consultants will:

  1. Ask general questions on the phone about your current trash, recycling, and compost services. The call takes about 10 minutes.
  2. Visit your location to:
    • collect a sample of your waste to determine the exact types and quantities of materials disposed. The trash will be sorted at a local waste facility and the recycling and compost will either be sorted at a local waste facility or at a discrete location near your property.
    • conduct an onsite survey of your property to identify ways your business/multifamily property recycles, composts, reduces waste, and reuses materials.

There is no financial cost to you for participating and your participation will not lead to fines or punitive action. Data about samples of trash, recycling and compost waste collected at your business and/or multifamily property will be aggregated with the data from other local businesses or multifamily properties and your waste will be disposed of immediately and properly afterwards. No information about your business and/or multifamily property will be reported; only aggregate totals will be used in the final Study analysis. Your participation does not require changes to your regular trash, recycling, or compost collection.


Cascadia’s team will randomly select nearly 1,500 single-family households to be part of the study. The data collected from this sampling will be used to better plan for services and programs for residents across the County.

If your household is one of the randomly selected households Cascadia’s team will collect your trash, recycling, green waste at curbside just before regular trash pick-up, sort the material at a local solid waste facility.

Data about the samples of trash, recycling and green waste collected from your household will be aggregated with the data from other local households and your waste will be disposed of immediately and properly afterwards. No information about your household will be reported; only aggregate totals will be used in the final Study analysis.

If you have any questions or would like more information about the study, please email us at Thank you for assisting us with this important study.
