Network Map
This map shows the latest revision to the LA County Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) network based on feedback we received throughout the Phase II engagement period on the proposed network and policies. We will continue to gather feedback throughout the Plan to develop a safe and accessible bicycle network throughout unincorporated County. We appreciate all the support and feedback we have received. Please continue to provide us with feedback as we develop the network.
The network map includes proposed on-street bikeways and off-street bike paths:
- On-street bikeways: Bikeways, such as bike lanes and bike routes, are primarily located on streets with vehicle travel lanes.
- Off-street paths: Bike paths, also known as bike trails or shared-use paths are typically located along LA County flood control channels, with dedicated space just for bicyclists and pedestrians, separated from vehicles.
On-Street Bikeways
Please note that this map focuses on unincorporated LA County communities and flood channels that span the County. The Proposed Off-Street Bike Paths make up a regional network that is visionary in nature. It includes County owned and maintained segments in addition to segments owned by other cities and agencies within the County. The project team will continue to analyze any necessary trade-offs and feasibility of installing the bicycle infrastructure shown and work with our project partners so that the final network map will represent a feasible bicycle infrastructure that is safe, convenient, and accessible for all ages and abilities in LA County.
How was the network developed? The draft network was guided by our two principles of safety and connectivity. Read more about our Draft Network Methodology.
How was the draft network updated? The draft network was refined with feedback from community members and stakeholders during winter 2023 - 2024. Read more about our Network Update Methodology.
Questions? If you have a question or comment you would like to share with the project team, please email