Bicycle Master Plan
We are pleased to announce the adoption of the 2012 Bicycle Master Plan by the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors on March 13, 2012. The 2012 Bicycle Master Plan is now a sub-element of the Transportation Element of the County’s General Plan; it replaces the 1975 Plan of Bikeways. As an adopted regional planning document, the Bicycle Master Plan guides the Bikeways Unit in implementing proposed bikeways as well as various bicycle-friendly policies and programs to promote bicycle ridership amongst users of all ages and skill sets within the County. The Bicycle Master Plan proposes approximately 831 miles of new bikeways throughout the County for implementation through 2032.
- 2012 Bicycle Master Plan (including Appendices; 47 MB)
- 2012 Bicycle Master Plan by Chapter
- Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Chapter 2. Goals, Policies, and Implementation Actions
- Chapter 3. Existing Conditions and Proposed Network
- Chapter 4. Education, Enforcement Encouragement, and Evaluation Programs
- Chapter 5. Funding and Implementation
- Appendices Table of Content
- Appendix A: Bicycle Transportation Account Checklist
- Appendix B: Ridership and Air Quality Benefits
- Appendix C: Relationship to Existing Plans and Policies
- Appendix D: Existing Land Uses
- Appendix E: End of Trip Facilities
- Appendix F: Design Guidelines
- Appendix G: Street Plan Analysis
- Appendix H: Engineering Unit Cost Estimates
- Appendix I: Prioritization and Phasing Plan
- Appendix J: Facilities Removed
- Appendix K: Acronyms
- Maps with Proposed Bikeways
- List of Proposed Bikeways
- 1975 Plan of Bikeways
- Responses to comments received regarding the Draft Bicycle Master Plan