Water Plans
The following computer aided design and drafting (CADD) sheets detail various LACWD plans and projects.
- CADD Plan Sheet – (38KB)
- CADD Title Sheet – (130KB)
- Microstation Plan Sheet – (54KB)
- Microstation Title Sheet – (146KB)
- Sample RPDA Plans – (655KB)
- Sample Water Main Plans – (758KB)
Standard Plans
The following documents include standard plans from various approved LACWD projects.
- W-1 Index
- W-2 Abbreviations
- W-3 Legend
- W-4 Flushout 2
- W-5 Service Connection & Meter
- W-6 Backflow Prevention Detector Assembly
- W-7 Service Connection & Meter (HP)
- W-8 Fire Hydrant (200 PSI Right Angle)
- W-9 Fire Hydrant (200 PSI Parallel)
- W-10 Fire Hydrant (250 PSI) Right Angle
- W-11 Fire Hydrant (250 PSI) Parallel
- W-13 Booster Pump Suction Can
- W-14 Barricades
- W-15 Valve Box
- W-16 Air Release & Vacuum Valve
- W-17 Adjustable Pipe Support
- W-18 Flexible Coupling Ties
- W-19 Gravel Envelope Well Head
- W-20 Well Slab & Pedestal
- W-21 Concrete Thrust Blocks
- W-22 Cutting/Plugging Water Mains
- W-23 Chainlink Fencing
- W-24 Tank – Spiral Stairway
- W-25 Tank – Vertical Exterior Ladder
- W-26 Tank – Vertical Interior Ladder
- W-27 Tank – Roof Access Hatch
- W-28 Tank – Access Hole
- W-29 Tank – Stilling Well
- W-30 Tank – Cleanout Door
- W-31 Tank – Roof Vent
- W-32 Flushout (End of Main)
- W-33 Flushout (Right Angle to Main)
- W-34 Flushout (Parallel to Main)
- W 35 Steel Pipe Joint Details
- W-36 Service Tap (Steel Main)
- W-38 Cathodic Protection Insulated Joint
- W-39 Cathodic Protection Mg Anode
- W-43 Standard Electrical Symbols
- W-44 Booster Pump – Electrical
- W-45 Booster Controls
- W-46 Pipe Trench
- W-47 Well Cover
- W-49 Public Safety Requirements
- W-50 Water Mains/Sanitary Sewers
- W-51 Well Construction
- W-52 Well Equipment
- W-53 Pump Well
- W-54 Vent Detail
Water Management Plans
Integrated Regional Water Management Plan
The Antelope Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP), also known as The AV Water Plan, is a multi-county collaboration effort developed to address regional concerns about water supply reliability, water quality, flood protection, environmental resources and land use management in the Antelope Valley.
Antelope Valley Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP)
Urban Water Management Plan
In 1983, the California Legislature enacted the Urban Water Management Planning Act (AB 797; Water Code, Division 6, Part 2.6, Section 10610-10656). This Act requires water suppliers serving more than 3,000 customers or providing more than 3,000 acre-feet of water annually to prepare an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) to promote water demand management and efficient water use. The UWMP is designed to provide an effective management and planning tool for water agencies throughout California. It allows for a succinct summary of an agency’s water supplies, demands and plans to ensure future reliability. It also encourages the efficient management of water supplies by requiring a discussion of potential water transfers and exchanges, desalination and recycled water opportunities. The UWMP shall be updated at least once every five years, in calendar years ending in 5 and zero.
The Los Angeles County Waterworks Districts 2020 Urban Water Management Plans (UWMP) and Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP) are now available for viewing and download: